
Bsbhrm506a manage recruitment selection and induction

Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes-

Part A: Report

This part of your assessment is based on the CoffeeVille case study found by clicking here (https://simulations.ibsa.org.au/coffeeville/). By clicking the 'intranet' tab on this site, you can source the CoffeeVille:

  • Business Plan 2011/12
  • Operational Plan 2011/12
  • Policy and procedure documents
  • Employee handbook.

A range of other documents is also within this intranet providing valuable background information about the operation of the business.

Familiarise yourself with the case study, read the scenario below and then follow the instructions to write a business report and submit for assessment.


CoffeeVille is a small cafe in Melbourne, Victoria, run by siblings Rufus and Emma Belcastran. The business was opened in 2009 with a focus on providing high quality, socially responsible products based on fair trade and locally sourced ingredients. Thanks to their strong ethics, delicious menu and friendly atmosphere, Rufus and Emma have experienced such success that they are now opening a second cafe, with plans to expand even further in the future. As the business grows, they want to ensure that they remain true to their staff and are hoping to achieve Employer of Choice (EOC) status.

With a strong focus on their staff during this expansion phase, you have been hired to help Rufus and Emma by developing a new recruitment, selection and induction program. The aim of this program is to attract and select highly qualified and enthusiastic staff, induct them into this family business in a way that helps them to settle in and feel included while also keeping in mind the goal of becoming an EOC. This needs to be done in a way that supports current and future expansion and takes full advantage of the technology options available.

Your brief is to develop an appropriate recruitment, selection and induction program, including policies and procedures, forms and associated documents, and write a comprehensive business report that could be submitted to Rufus and Emma for their approval.

Note: CoffeeVille currently has policy and procedures that relate to human resource management and an employee handbook; however, they have not developed specific policies and procedures for induction processes.


You are to prepare a business report suitable for presentation to the business owners that details the policy and procedure framework you propose for the recruitment, selection and induction programs.

Your report must include the following elements:

1. Executive summary.

2. An analysis of the current strategic and operational plans that identifies where they don't adequately support the new strategic direction of CoffeeVille.

3. Proposed strategies, policies, procedures that are aligned to CoffeeVille's new strategic direction. You must include policies and procedures for each of the following:

  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Induction

Associated forms for each procedure should be included in the appendix section of your report. Refer to the table at Appendix A that lists the processes and objectives that should be reflected in the policies and procedures you develop. You must address each of the items in Table A in your written report.

4. A covering letter that you could send to Rufus and Emma outlining the proposal. Include all the new strategies, policies, procedures and forms for review. Request their review and approval within an appropriate timeframe. Include a copy of the letter in the appendix section of your report.

5. A communication strategy for sharing information about the new program with managers. Highlight the changes and how the new processes align with the new CoffeeVille strategy. Include a schedule for the trial and details on accessing training and support on the new processes.

Write a draft email that could be sent to all managers of CoffeeVille communicating the new policies and procedures and advising them of the upcoming trial of the new program and include this in the appendix of your report.

6. A feedback form to be used during the trial to determine the success of the processes in meeting the goals of CoffeeVille (employer of choice, expansion and use of technology).

Assessment Part A word count: minimum 1800 words to maximum 2000 words.

Part B: Portfolio

Follow the instructions below to prepare a portfolio that you submit for assessment.

1. Develop a trial pack of all the new electronic versions of the forms and documents for the recruitment, selection and induction processes.

2. Include a copy of the feedback form that you developed in Part A, question 6.

3. Provide this pack to two (2) people and ask them to review the process and complete the forms as they would if looking to hire a new Barista for CoffeeVille.

4. Collect all completed forms and feedback from trial group and collate the results. Identify any issues raised and write a summary on what worked well and what didn't (approximately 100 words).  Original feedback forms must also be submitted.

5. Make all necessary adjustments to the proposed policies, procedures and forms to reflect the feedback you have received. List the changes and submit the revised documents in your portfolio.

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Management Theories: Bsbhrm506a manage recruitment selection and induction
Reference No:- TGS01595941

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