
Bsbhrm506 manage recruitment selection and induction

Assessment Task 1

Develop recruitment and selection processes

Performance objective
You will demonstrate your ability to develop recruitment and selection policies and procedures in accordance with organisational plans.

Assessment description
You will analyse a case study and develop a set of recruitment and selection policies and procedures. You will present your policies and procedures to senior management for approval and consultation, conduct trialling of processes, train new managers on processes and answer a set of questions.


1. Review the following case study information:

Case study

Healthcare United is a healthcare provider and currently employs 1,500 Healthcare professionals with two sites in Victoria and NSW. They recently developed a new strategic plan that involves opening another office in Hobart. Part of their HR plan is to employ 500 workers in three stages.

2. Read the 2016 Healthcare United Recruitment and Selection Policy.

3. Analyse the 2000 Healthcare United Recruitment and Selection policy and procedures comparing key areas for each procedure against the current 2016 Healthcare United Recruitment and Selection Policy and relevant legislation.

4. Identify key areas for each procedure that need revising because they are:
- contrary to 2016 policy
- outdated compared to current research and practice
- do not comply with current legislation.

5. Research recruitment and selection processes best practice.

6. Develop a recruitment and selection policy and set of procedures, including checklists, that complies with organisational, legal and policy requirements. Develop procedures for:
- vacant position analysis
- position descriptions
- advertisements and promotion
- shortlisting
- interview preparation
- interviewing applicants
- reference checks
- job offer
Ensure you consider and include provisions for:
- external reference checks
- offers of employment (including advice about salary, terms and conditions, probation).

7. Develop a draft communications plan for the organisation using suitable media and including managers and other staff who need to be informed of new policy and procedures.

8. Arrange a time and place to meet with your assessor (in the role of a senior manager) to:

- Present policies and procedures
- Obtain support( use active listening and impress the manager with your use of HR/ business terminology)
- Consult on suitability of the policy and procedures for the business
- Discuss ways of using technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment and selection processes.
- Consult on process for calculating salaries and benefits
- Discuss communications
- Arrange for trialing of processes
- Arrange for training of others

9. In a role-play arranged by your assessor, facilitate and evaluate some training on at least two of the procedures developed using a Training evaluation form.

10. Answer the following questions and record your answers on a document for submission to your assessor:
- describe recruitment and selection methods, including assessment centres
- explain the concept of outsourcing
- describe the purpose of employee contracts and industrial relations
- summarise relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may affect recruitment, selection and induction
- explain why terms and conditions of employment are an important aspect of recruitment
- explain the relevance of psychometric and skills testing programs to recruitment.

11. Submit documentation as outlined in the specifications below and within agreed timelines.


You must:
- Participate in two role-plays:
o Consult with your manager (assessor)
o Train new procedures
- Submit:
o A recruitment and selection policy and set of procedures
o A communications plan
o A training evaluation form
o A document with answers to the 6 questions in the procedure

Your assessor will be looking for:

- Writing skills to develop policies and procedures using appropriate conventions
- Oral communication skills to consult effectively with others in a simulated business environment. Use questioning and active listening. Use appropriate business terminology
- Numeracy skills to calculate salary and benefits
- Planning skills to develop logical processes
- Work skills to operate effectively within a constraints set by business strategy and objectives, policy, and the external legislative requirements

Adjustment for distance-based learners
- No adjustment of tasks is required. Meeting/trialing/training may be conducted and observed via teleconferencing software

Assessment Task 2

Manage staff induction

Performance objective

You must demonstrate your ability to manage an induction process.

Assessment description

You are to research, develop and write a set of guidelines for an induction program at your organisation, an organisation with which you are familiar or an organisation approved by your assessor. You will then deliver an induction program or part of one, provide feedback to inductees and gather performance feedback on the induction program.


1. Conduct research on induction procedures and program content within your workplace and industry.

2. Draft policy statement, objectives, program outline, procedures and documents for each stage of induction process that suit the organisation and comply with relevant legislation.
- Consult relevant workplace personnel for feedback on guidelines.
- Refine and edit guidelines.
- Ensure all sources are referenced correctly.
- Write final copy of guidelines following format stated in Appendix 1.

3. Induct staff using your guidelines or following relevant organisational policies and procedures. Ensure you:
- Provide access to training and ongoing support for all persons engaged in staff induction.
- Check induction processes are followed across the organisation
- Oversee management of probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is confirmed or terminated
- Monitor
- Obtain feedback from participants and relevant managers on extent induction process is meeting its objectives
Note: Collect evidence of the above such as training plans, performance reports, scorecards, emails.

4. Make adjustments to guidelines in response to feedback.

5. Submit documentation as per specifications below.

You will need to submit:
- Induction guidelines drafts: original and later drafts refined after feedback on performance
- Evidence of providing training or other development support for inductees
- Evidence of providing feedback, such as emails or organisational reports
- Evidence of gathering feedback for the purpose of monitoring the performance of the induction program, such as organisational reporting

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
- Writing skills to prepare guidelines that are complete, clearly written in plain English with all sources correctly referenced using in-text referencing or footnotes and a bibliography. They must be presented in the form of a bound document and adhere closely to the format.
- Planning skills to develop logical processes
- Work skills to operate effectively within constraints set by business strategy and objectives, policy, and the external legislative requirements

Adjustment for distance-based learners:
- No adjustment of tasks is required.

Assessment Task 3

Recruit and select staff

Performance objective

You will demonstrate your ability to recruit and select staff.

Assessment description

You will plan to recruit and select staff at your organisation, an organisation with which you are familiar or an organisation approved by your assessor. You will then recruit and induct staff in accordance with the organisation's internal and external requirements, including existing policy and procedures for recruitment and relevant legislation.


Part A: Plan staffing

1. Survey key stakeholders (relevant positions in the organisation) and identify the HR needs of the business for the next 12 months. Collect evidence of consultation including meeting agendas and emails.

2. Develop or review the organisation's human resources (HR) capability or staffing plan to address the HR needs of the organisation and have the plan approved by the relevant senior manager or as per organisational processes.
Note: HR staffing plan must include: identification of needs or gaps, identification of key stakeholders and specialists, current status of human resources, recruitment and selection processes, and recommendations for improvements.

3. Develop job descriptions, including position descriptors and specifications (see attached template, for use if required).

4. Identify at least one specialist who may be able to assist in the recruitment and selection process.

5. Agree a time and place to meet with your assessor. Prepare to discuss:
- The staffing plan and internal and external requirements, such as adherence to relevant legislation
- Your planned use of specialists who may assist you.
- How you will ensure correct use by managers of position descriptions
- Your role in the recruitment and selection process

6. Review the HR staffing plan policies procedures and processes with your assessor before proceeding to Part B.

Part B: Conduct recruitment and selection process

1. Develop an action plan for recruitment and selection in accordance with the HR staffing plan, including training, advertising,

2. Assess the need for and provide training or other forms of support, such as coaching, for persons required to participate in recruitment. Collect evidence of conducting or providing training or support, including delivery/coaching plans or schedules.

3. Conduct advertising in accordance with planning. Collect evidence such as screen captures of online advertising.

4. Conduct recruitment and selection in accordance with planning and internal and external requirements:
- Conduct or oversee interviews
- Advise candidates of outcomes
- Execute job offers and contracts of employment. Ensure new appointments are advised of salary terms and conditions.
Note: ensure you collect evidence for submission including copies of letters or contracts as appropriate. Ensure you adhere to privacy legislation by protecting the privacy of participants.

5. Submit documentation in accordance with the specifications below and within agreed timeline for completion of the assessment task.


You must provide:
- An HR staffing plan
- Relevant recruitment and selection policies and procedures.
- Job descriptions
- Evidence of consultation
- An action plan for carrying out the recruitment and induction process
- Evidence of training
- Evidence of advertising
- Evidence of conducting recruitment and selection

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
- Writing skills to develop plans using appropriate conventions
- Numeracy skills to calculate salary and benefits
- Planning skills to develop logical processes
- Work skills to operate effectively within a constraints set by business strategy and objectives, policy, and the external legislative requirements

Attachment:- Assessment-Tasks.zip

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HR Management: Bsbhrm506 manage recruitment selection and induction
Reference No:- TGS02845323

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