
Bsbfim501 - manage budgets and financial plans - identify

1. Complete the budget template provided to you, including TV advertising

2. explain each marketing activities Why and How Much you allocated

3. Explain The benefits of TV advertising campaign

4. Prepare again the budget template without the TV advertising

2015 - 2016 FY Budget vs. Actual

2015/16 Budget         2015/16 Actual      Variances

Variance %

Marketing Activity

Web site redesign

$7,000                           $7,000                  $0


Incentive scheme

$2,400                           $4,400               $2,000


Education Expo

$3,300                           $3,500               $200


2016 Promotional brochure

$1,500                           $1,500               $0


Commuity sponsorhip

$2,000                           $2,000               $0


Radio advertising

$10,000                         $10,000              $0


Contingency amount




$27,000                         $28,400              $1,400



1. Budget vs. actual variances chart (tab 3 "Budget vs. Actual 201516" in Spreadsheet 1)

Overall level of variance, as well as variance on individual marketing activities

- Identify any expenditure overruns

- Justifications on expenditure overruns

2. Compliance

- Identify any expenditure made in breach of the company Finance Policy and Procedure

- Identify any potential breach of record keeping obligation the company owes to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and for audit purposes

3. Recommendations
- Proposed solutions to manage and monitor expenditure within budget in 2016-2017 financial year

- Recommendations on improvement of the company Finance Policy and Procedure.

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Dissertation: Bsbfim501 - manage budgets and financial plans - identify
Reference No:- TGS02894094

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