
Bsbdiv501 - manage diversity in the workplace in the form

Manage Diversity In The Workplace

Assignment 1 -

Everyone has prejudice of some sort. We are all influenced with stereo-types that are imposed on us as children, where we accept these as fact and behave as if they are truth. These stereo-types can often become part of our unconsciousness, and we apply them automatically in our daily lives.

By leaving these stereo-types untested, and unchallenged - they will remain with us always.

This assessment will require you to identify, acknowledge, test and challenge your own prejudices. Remember, prejudice is not just about race.

In the form of a 1-page written report, you are to:

  • Identify and detail your own prejudices
  • Describe how you think you got these prejudices
  • Identify the actions you can take to avoid these prejudices

It is important that you are truthful to yourself during this assessment. Your report will not be available to your colleagues or supervisors, but will be reviewed by your assessor for marking.

Assignment 2 -

For this task, you are to locate an organisational workplace diversity policy. You may locate and use the policy from any of the following locations:

  • Your workplace
  • Your training organisation
  • One provided by your assessor

It is important that you determine the application of the policy for your workplace (either real or simulated), and consider its effectiveness.

Once located, you are to review the policy for appropriateness, currency and effectiveness. You are to recommend improvements for the policy, and present these to your assessor in the form of written submission.

Your submission must include a detailed list of recommendations, and the amended diversity policy that includes the proposed changes.

Example Workplace Diversity Policy -


We are different. The people of Australia come from a wide range of backgrounds including gender, age, ethnic and cultural background, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, socio-economic background, and life and work experience. These are some of the things that make Australia such a great place to live and work. Through applying the principles of workplace diversity, our organisation in committed to reflecting the diverse and unique composition of the Australian community in our own workplace. Workforce diversity is all about recognising, celebrating and utilising these differences for the benefit of our organisation, our clients and our workforce.

Supporting Legislation -

Other relevant legislation which provides legal obligations for our organisation and its workforce in terms of workplace diversity include:

Racial Discrimination Act 1975

  • It is unlawful to discriminate in employment on the grounds of race, colour, national or ethnic origin.

Sex Discrimination Act 1984

  • It is unlawful to discriminate in employment on the grounds of gender, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, or to sexually harass another person.

Disability Discrimination and Other Human Rights Legislation Amendment Act 2009

  • It is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of disability.

Age Discrimination Act 2004

  • It is unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of age.

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986

  • Sets up a mechanism to deal with complaints of discrimination in employment. In 2009 the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission changed its name to the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

  • Requires employer / Person carrying on a business or Undertaking (PCBU) and workers to maintain a secure, health and safe working environment. It also requires that the employer/PCBU take practical precautions to prevent harassment.

Fair Work Act 2009

  • Prohibits discrimination against a person who is an employee, or prospective employee, because of the person's race colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family or carer's responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin in awards and agreements and in the termination of employment.

Employer Roles and Responsibilities -

1. Our organisation will show its commitment to workplace diversity through its actions and decision making;

2. Our organisation will demonstrate and embrace the principles of workplace diversity in the organisation; and

3. Our organisation will foster a culture of inclusiveness

Managers / Supervisors Roles and Responsibilities

1. Managers and Supervisors will consistently and actively encourage their staff to participate in workplace diversity education activities;

2. Managers and Supervisors will ensure that all performance agreements include tangible elements of adherence to workplace diversity principles; and

3. Managers and Supervisors will promptly deal with any complaints or observations of harassment or bullying in the workplace:

4. Managers and Supervisors will uphold merit principles when recruiting and selecting employees; and

5. Managers and Supervisors will be supportive and assist staff to access flexible working arrangements or conditions

Employee Roles and Responsibilities -

1. Employees will behave in ways that will actively contribute to the enhancement of a culture in which diversity is valued among the people we work with;

2. Employees will demonstrably value diversity through team building and consultative processes, and the decisions and actions that are taken

3. Employees draw on theirs' and others' diverse skills and talents to enhance work outputs

4. Employees not condone or ignore harassing or bullying behaviour in the workplace; and

5. Employees conduct themselves in a manner consistent with organisations Values and Employment Principles, and the Code of Conduct.

Assignment 3 -

For this task, you are to take on the role of a manager within your workplace (real or simulated). As a manager, you are responsible for a team of supervisors, who are in-turn responsible for their team.

You are to prepare for and run an information session for your staff (the supervisors) on workplace diversity. You should refer to your workplace diversity policy and procedures, along with all associated documents for this task.

Your information session is to cover:

- Your organisations values an ethics

- Your organisations diversity policy and procedure

- Expectations of the organisation, managers/supervisors, and all team members

- Diversity in recruitment, selection and induction

- Dealing with allegations of harassment

- Direct and indirect discrimination

- Your organisations formal and informal complaints procedures

The key aspects of the following legislation:

  • Age Discrimination Act
  • Disability Discrimination Act
  • Racial Discrimination Act
  • Sex Discrimination Act
  • Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act

If you are undertaking his assessment a part of a simulated environment, you should  refer to your training organisations diversity policy, procedures, harassment and complaint procedures.

Assignment 4 -

For this task, your assessor will role-play an employee who is having trouble accepting the diversity of your workplace.


You are a manager at a tyre factory. You have had a steady team working with you for the past 3 years, until 2 weeks ago when Johnny left. Johnny was a stable part of your team, one that was always happy, helpful and had a great value on the importance of team work.

Now that Johnny has left, you have recruited Samantha ("Sam"). Whilst Sam has not had a lot of experience, she is making an effort to both fit-in and pull her weight.

Alan - (role-played by your assessor) - is not happy that Sam is on his team. He is used to ' meeting his targets, but with Sam, this is not as easy as it once was. As a result, Alan has been fairly abrupt with Sam in all communications, which is making Sam very uneasy.

Team Specifics

Johnny - 45 year old Caucasian male, 22 years experience in the tyre industry. Alan - 43 year old Caucasian male, 12 years experience in the tyre industry Sam - 31 year old new immigrant from England, 3 months experience in the tyre industry.

You are to meet with Alan, and:

  • Identify any prejudices at play
  • Coach Alan on how to deal with any prejudices

If you are undertaking this assessment as part of a simulated environment, you should refer to your training organisations diversity policy, procedures, harassment and complaint procedures.

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Management Theories: Bsbdiv501 - manage diversity in the workplace in the form
Reference No:- TGS02479894

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