
Bsb60215 advanced diploma of business - develop an


You will be required to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to define campaign objectives; prepare an advertising budget; You will be required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop a schedule for proposed advertising activities; defining campaign objectives and preparing advertising budgets. You will also require to demonstrate communication skills to question, clarify and report when creating an advertising campaign and technology skills to use a wide range of office equipment and software to develop an advertising campaign.

Read all materials required for this assessment task: this procedure and the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business Corporate Marketing Plan.

In response to the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business Corporate Marketing Plan (provided), you will develop a report.
- Defining the campaign objectives and preparing an advertising budget, which addresses all questions in this task.
- Defining a schedule for proposed advertising activities, which addresses all questions in this task.
- To demonstrate knowledge in defining campaign objectives and preparing advertising budgets.
- Discuss your completed advertising campaign to the class and assessor. You must consistently behave and present as if this were an actual presentation to the CEO of Bounce Fitness.

Case study

Bounce Fitness will serve the corporations in the city centres of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, helping them to become more productive, while lowering their overall costs with innovative wellness programs and strategies.
Bounce Fitness is based on two simple facts:
- Healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees
- It costs less to prevent injuries or illnesses than to treat them after they occur.
Traditional endeavours to corporate health care are quite reactive. Corporations wait until after staff have been ill or injured, and then pay for the necessary treatments. The Bounce Fitness approach, emphasises prevention and good health promotion, and is much more proactive. At Bounce Fitness, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. We believe that traditional approaches to the current health care crisis are misdirected.
Bounce Fitness contends that by helping employees change their behaviour patterns and choose healthier lifestyles, the health care costs to corporations will be considerably reduce through increased staff productivity, reduce absenteeism and turnover, reduced worker's compensation claims and a healthier, more motivated staff.
Current economic and demographic changes will make health care issues worse. The environmental factors and the local competitive situation is a clear message to Bounce Fitness. The time is right for a Bounce Fitness initiative to promote its services through an effective advertising campaign with the following objectives
- Each of its centres will serve the community with quality, comprehensive, unique and distinctive health programs and services.
- Staff will expand the preventive services offered while improving the quality of life among participants through health and fitness services using state of the art equipment and practices
- Reflecting the needs of its members through value and outcome effectiveness.

Task 1

1. You are required to determine key objectives and to develop an advertising campaign to optimize product or service marketing performance in response to an advertising plan. Prepare a report to encapsulate the required information and knowledge to complete this task.Define campaign objectives:
- Clarify Bounce Fitness' advertising purpose and objectives from Bounce Fitness' marketing plan. Use measurable terms for the objectives for the advertising campaign.
- How do you make sure that your campaign objectives will be feasible?
- Discuss relevant legislation and the impact of each to Bounce Fitness' advertising campaign.
- Discuss the legal and ethical considerations relating to this brief and how Bounce Fitness will manage these areas of concern.

1. Clarify Bounce Fitness' advertising purpose and objectives from Bounce Fitness' marketing plan. Use measurable terms for the objectives for the advertising campaign.

2 Performance metrics of Bounce Fitness advertising campaign

3. How does Bounce Fitness ensure that its campaign objectives will be feasible?

Task 2

1. Prepare an advertising budget based on the following"
- What research resource requirements will Bounce Fitness need for this campaign?
- Discuss the range of media options that Bounce Fitness can consider and provide justifications to the choices selected.
- Seek approval on the choice of media options for Bounce Fitness by providing a discussion and ensure that the budget and availability allocated is sufficient to meet the advertisement objectives?
- How would Bounce Fitness ensure that the overall budget meets the requirement of the advertising brief?

2. Identify and negotiatewith external supplier (your trainer would undertake this role)on the range of media options that Bounce Fitness can consider. (You may use supplementary case materials found in the Moodle to assist you on this question)

3. Seek approval on the choice of media options for Bounce Fitness by providing a discussion and ensure that the budget and availability allocated is sufficient to meet the advertisement objectives?(Please refer to the Creative Brief for the Introduction of Corporate Fitness Programs)

4. Produce a timeline chart for Bounce Fitness to meet creative, media and production requirements for a YouTube advertisement to supplement its social marketing activity in order to achieve advertising objectives.

5. milestones for monitoring progress and expenditure against budget, and for evaluating campaign effectiveness for various media types

Attachment:- Case study advertising plan.rar

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Dissertation: Bsb60215 advanced diploma of business - develop an
Reference No:- TGS02880465

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