
Bsb60215 - develop and implement strategic plans - create a

You are required to create a PowerPoint presentation to the Board of Directors and Management of Bounce Fitness which relates to Assessment Week 1.

The objectives of this PowerPoint Presentation are:
- Document relevant research and background for inclusion in the strategic plan
- Formulate strategic objectives and strategies needed for the future
- Detail each strategy with an assigned priority, a timeframe, responsible parties and measurable performance indicators
- Circulate strategic plan for comment, support and endorsement
- Communicate strategic plan to all relevant parties
- Brief people with a specific role in relation to strategies

The structure of the Strategic Plan for Bounce Fitness should follow according to items as follows:
slide 1 - cover
slide 2 - background of the purpose for this presentation
slide 3 - company's mission and vision
slide 4 - company's current performance
slide 5 - company's business objectives
slide 6 - PEST analysis
slide 7 - Competitor's Strengths and Weaknesses
slide 8 - SWOT analysis
slide 9 - company's future strategy and initiatives
slide 10 - evaluation of cooperative ventures (risk, cost benefit analysis, due diligence)
slide 11 - strategic plan timeline, responsible parties
slide 12 - communications plan
slide 13- measurable performance indicators to monitor progress in implementing plan
slide 14 - making provisions for change request in the plan
slide 15 - evaluate achievement of objectives at agreed milestones
slide 16 - monitor and review
slide 16 - feedback, support and endorsement

You now must create a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation for the company case to propose to senior management on its strategic management plan.

1. Company profile (includes cover page, name of company, background, vision & mission, current performance, company's business objectives = total 5 slides to be inserted in the boxes below)

2. Business analysis (includes PEST analysis, Competitor's Strengths and Weaknesses, SWOT analysis, company's future strategy and initiatives, evaluation of cooperative ventures (risk, cost benefit analysis and due diligence= total 5 slides to be inserted in the boxes below)

3. Defining the company's strategic plan timeline, responsible parties and communications plan that would be used to support the international business objectives (2 slides).

4. Provide a measurable performance indicators to monitor progress in implementing plan as well as making improvement provisions in the plan (total 2 slides to be inserted in the boxes below).

5. Provide an evaluation for the achievement of objectives at agreed milestones (1 slide), a monitor and review and feedback (1 slide), support and endorsement (1 slide) and a question session followed by a thank you (1 slide).

Attachment:- Case study.rar

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