
Browse the internet or websites of several companies to

Browse the internet or websites of several companies to find a company report, white paper (position paper), annual report, product report, or other document at least two pages long. Read the document to evaluate the content, organization, design and overall quality. In your thread, provide a link to the document and elaborate on the following evaluative questions: One Page is fine

What is the purpose and intended audience of the report?

Is the report written exclusively for the web, for print, or for both? Which of the sample reports in the text is your example most like?

What is the report's main point (thesis) and 3-6 primary sub-points? How are the points organized: critieria? chronology? geography? or other organizational pattern?

What techniques does the report use to improve reader access and readability?

What visual elements does the report employ? To what extent are the visual elements effective?

In your thread, post your analysis of the report, using the questions above to evaluate and analyze. Be sure to include the link to the document so all can view and gain ideas for report completion. For this week, you may simply include the link to the document without the APA reference information.

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Business Management: Browse the internet or websites of several companies to
Reference No:- TGS01386703

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