
Brm5032 work experience with personal development planning

Work Experience with Personal Development Planning Assignment - Reflective Report and Logs

Assignment Task - WRIT1

Please note that WRIT 1 has two elements. Part one is the 2500 word Work Placement Project Report itself and part two is the Reflective Log.

In your report, you are required to reflect on your placement experiences and the outcomes of your project or work experience. You are asked to evaluate your personal and professional development, and to include reflection on the impact the work placement experience may have on your career plans. In addition you will analyse the functional areas of the organization you have been working with, managerial activities and the details of any individual projects you have been set and how these have been achieved This report will assess the achievement of the learning outcomes detailed in the Module Descriptor Throughout your placement you should also maintain a Reflective Log You will find it useful to look back over your total experience recorded through your logs when writing your report, the suggested format and Marking Criteria for which is shown below. The content of the report will be partly dependent upon the type of work placement undertaken but you should carefully follow the required report format and pay attention to the marking guidance for each section of the report.

Report Framework -

Important Note - each page of the report must show your Student Name, Student Number and must be numbered.

1. Front Page - Showing your Student Name, Student Number, Program, Placement Provider, Module Number & Title and date of report.

2. Contents Page - Pages must be numbered

3. Introduction - This should include a brief description of where and with whom the placement took place, including a brief history

4. Nature of the Role within the Organization(s) - This section should outline the nature of your work during the placement. Outline any responsibilities and tasks associated with your role and give details of any projects that may have been allocated to you during that time You should also highlight your key achievements during your placement and how your work benefitted the organization(s) you were placed with You should aim to make your reflection critical in nature and relate it to academic theory where appropriate Any theory should be correctly referenced using the Harvard Referencing system,

At this point, it may be useful to conduct a SWOT analysis on the organization. The actual SWOT diagram should be placed in the Appendix at the back of the report, and you should discuss it in this section

5. Reflection on Skills Development - In this section of the report, you should reflect on any new skills and experience you acquired, along with any existing skills that were developed further as result of your placement. If you identified any gaps in your skills, knowledge or experience, discuss how you might aim to address these issues. Support your writing with evidence through specific actions undertaken during the placement and, where appropriate, make reference to learning theories such as Gibbs' Model of Reflection or Kolb.

In this section, it may be useful to conduct a SWOT analysis on yourself Again, place the SWOT diagram in the appendix and discuss it in this section.

6. The Organization(s) and Recommendations - In this section, you should reflect on the work placement organization(s) and make recommendations on the organization. These can be recommendations on the organization itself

7. Reflective Log - 10% of this section is awarded for the Reflective Log itself. For the remaining 5%, you should, within your report, make reference to the requirement to maintain a Reflective Log and briefly describe how you went about this, reflecting on the process and how you used the logs to support the report

8. Conclusion - You should provide a clear summary of your placement(s), highlighting key achievements and learning experiences as a consequence of your placement. Reflect on how your experience may have impacted on your career goals and what you have learned about yourself.

9. Overall Report Presentation - Your report will also be marked for overall presentation, formatting, spelling and grammar.

10. References - Using Harvard system-not part of the word count.

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