Task 1: Britannica Academic provides access to more than 118,000 encyclopedia articles, 14,000 illustrations, and links to related and reviewed web sites and its updated every two weeks. Search Britannica Academic to find an encyclopedia article on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Once you've found an article, answer the questions:
What is the title of the article?
Who is/are the author(s)/contributors, if provided?
What is the title of the encyclopedia?
Who is the publisher/vendor?
What is the date of publication?
What date did you access this article?
Task 2: EBSCO's Discovery Service lets you search multiple databases at one time from a single search box. Search our Discovery Service to find a print book on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Once you've found a book, answer the questions:
Who is/are the author(s)?
What is the title of the book?
Who is the publisher?
What is the place of publication?
What is the date of publication?
Task 3: Opposing Viewpoints in Context provides pro/con coverage of controversial contemporary issues. This database also includes full text magazine and newspaper articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, and links to relevant websites. Search Opposing Viewpoints to find a magazine article on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (Click on "Browse Issues" at top left of screen. Scroll to and click on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Click on Magazines on upper right side of screen and select an article). Once you've found a magazine article, answer the questions:
Who is/are the author(s)?
What is the title of article?
What is the title of the magazine?
What is the issue date?
What page(s) did the article come from (if provided)?
What date did you access this record?
Task 4: LexisNexis Academic provides access to newspapers, periodicals, newswires, blogs, corporate directories, U.S. federal and state court cases, law reviews and Shepard's Citations. Search LexisNexis Academic to find a newspaper article about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Click on "Search by Content Type" in upper right corner. Click on "All News" in the News section. In red text box enter search terms "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." Click on "Advanced Options" under red text box. Newspapers are already selected under "Source Type" so click on red apply at bottom of screen. Click on Search in the red text box.
At the Results page click on "Newspapers" on the left side of screen and select a newspaper from the list to find an article. Once you've found a magazine article, answer the questions shown in Table 4 (below).
What is the title of the article?
What is the name of the newspaper?
What is the edition (usually appears under newspaper date)?
What is the city of publication?
What section of the newspaper did this article come from?
What page or page numbers did this article come from?
What is the date of publication for this article?
Task 5: Academic Search Premier provides full text access to over 4500 magazine, newspaper and journal articles covering a wide range of subject areas with abstracts and indexing from an additional 8,000. Search Academic Search Premier to find a scholarly fulltext journal article about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and children. (Hint: Be sure to limit to fulltext and scholarly. The result list will have icon that says "Academic Journal" for scholarly journal articles). Once you've found an article, answer the questions:
What is/are the author(s) of the article?
What is the title of the article?
What is the name of the journal (Source)?
What is the volume number?
What is the issue number?
What year was the journal published?
What page or pages is this article from?
Evaluating Information Sources Worksheet
Choose a topic to research. Write some search terms that describe your topic.
1. Perform a search using Google with the search terms listed above.
2. Select 1 website from your Google results to evaluate and provide the following information:
Name of website:
Use the criteria below to evaluate this website:
3. Author/Authority-Who is the author or sponsoring organization of this website? What makes the author an expert on the topic? What credentials does the author or organization have? Is there any contact information listed for the author or organization?
4. Bias- Why was the work written? Does the author or sponsor have an agenda? What type of site is it: .com, .gov, .org, .edu? Who is the target audience? Is the information to inform, explain, sell or persuade?
5. Content/Currency- When was the website last updated? Is the information up-to-date enough for my topic? Is the information general or comprehensive? Is it relevant to my topic? What audience is the website written for? If there is an issue are both sides presented?
6. Design- Is the website user friendly? Is the navigation menu well-labeled? Are there spelling or grammar errors? Are there ads or pop-ups on the page? Are the links working?
7. Would you use this website for a college level research assignment or paper? Why or why not?
8. Doe the website cite where the author or sponsoring organization got their information? ___Yes ___No
9. Cite this website MLA style using NoodleTools Express.
Academic Search Premier Database
1. Go to the library homepage: Click on the "Scholarly Journals" link on the left side of the homepage.
2. Type your search terms in the Scholarly journals textbox in the middle of the page and check the limit your results to Full Text box and click on Search. The database might not use the same search terms as Google (EXA. Gay marriage=same sex marriage, death penalty=capital punishment).
3. Select 1 article to evaluate from your result list and provide the following information:
Article title:
Use the criteria below to evaluate this article:
4. Author/Authority- Who is the author or sponsoring organization? What credentials does the author or organization have? Is there any information listed for the author or organization?
5. Bias- Why was the work written? Who is the target audience? Is the information intended to inform, explain, sell, promote or persuade? If there is an issue, are both sides of the issue presented?
6. Content/Currency- When was the article published? Is the information up-to-date enough? Is it relevant to my topic? Is the information general or comprehensive? Are there references or works cited?
7. Design- Is the article well organized? Are there images? Are there spelling or grammar errors?
8. Would you use this article for a college level research assignment or paper? Why or why not?
9. Does the author cite where they got their information? ___Yes ___No
10. Cite this article MLA style using NoodleTools Express.
Task 6: When you have completed this lab, re-save this document as LastName_Lab6A. Submit the file to the Lab6 assignment.