
Bringing new challenges to the hr managers

Please assist me with the given Case study and Questions:


"A 'high performance culture is a way of working and a set of values which encourage people so that they are engaged to achieve high results. A high performance culture exists when everyone in the organization shares part ownership of a company the same vision and where they trust and value each other's contribution."

- The Times (UK), 2009

The High Performance team or HPT as a concept first emerged in the Tavistock Institute of Great Britain in the 50's. American giants like General Electric, Hewlett-Packard & Boeing have adopted it subsequently to increase production & build efficient business models. This was achieved by reconsidering the organizational culture, adapting & shifting it to merge with the business goals of the organization as well as the social needs of the individuals. At its heart, an HPT is an organization where workers views and opinions become important as a source that influences the decisions and actions of the entire organization, where workers are actively communicated with especially when it comes to decisions that will affect them.

A high performance team is adaptive & at times difficult to build especially if those attempting to build them do not understand the social dynamics behind putting together a diversely talented pool of individuals with pronounced differences. A high performance team is borne out of a specific purpose. Each organization has specific goals and a unique culture. The organizational culture exhibited by Google for example is very different from the more formal & bureaucratic culture of the FBI.

The case of Siemens: Diversity, Global Culture:

Siemens AG is a global electrical and electronics business with a turnover of nearly £60 billion. The company employs just under half a million people around the world. It is based in Munich, Germany (The Times, 2009). Siemens' business interest is varied & affects individuals & nations. Households for example brew their coffee and toast their bread using Siemens appliances powered by massive electrical generators made by Siemens where electricity is distributed via Siemens interests as well. Hospitals rely on precise Siemens medical equipment like the MRI machine to save lives. Siemens also has wind farms, IT manufacturing & back end services, trains & transport machinery, automation systems like airport baggage handling services & machinery, lighting & financial services as well as R&D. For such a global behemoth, creating a specialized concept of HPT's for its organizational culture is key to success. Siemens looks to its people as the most important part of the organization, their HPT concept is known as 'People Excellence' (The Times, 2009)-

"For Siemens, people, like its technology and innovation, are a source of competitive advantage. To make the most of this advantage, Siemens makes sure that its employees work on developing the company's heritage of innovation. Siemens believes that there are many ways to make people feel valued and engaged. These range from a pat on the back, a personal letter or a special mention in a meeting, to a promotion or a higher salary. "

"Targets for individuals are related to targets for the whole business. Everyone plays their part in achieving great results. Siemens states that 'our business success depends on the performance of each individual, our teams and the total organization'."

"A high performance team is one in which all members of the team work toward shared targets and have a sense of shared responsibility for the results the team achieves. As the team performance improves over time, the better the results."

The Siemens HPT Design

- Achieving a High performance culture
- Increasing the global talent pool (diversity)
- Strengthening expert careers (Constant retraining & specialization)
- Siemens' Leadership Excellence Program (SLE)

Siemens' human resource management approach is a fine example of creating culture specific HPTs. For Siemens, its people are what make its organization achieve. Here, high performing individuals happen because of a culture that nurtures and supports their talents to help them achieve not just work-related goals but their own personal ambitions. In this kind of environment, diversity is not a barrier. What is important is high performance and that each individual is motivated to perform well which in turn creates stunning team results creating an overall business success.

QUESTION 1: Business environment is changing everyday and bringing new challenges to the HR managers. What are the challenges faced by HR Managers at Siemens in the UK?

QUESTION 2: Comment on how HR activities contribute to the success of organisation. Use any of the HRM Models to explain your answer.

QUESTION 3: Describe Recruitment and Selection strategies that are suitable for the High Performance working environment at Siemens?

QUESTION 4: Explain how HR Training and Development helps Siemens to develop High Performance culture.

QUESTION 5: What role Performance Management plays in achieving higher performance at Siemens? Elaborate by using performance management stragies.

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HR Management: Bringing new challenges to the hr managers
Reference No:- TGS01876874

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