The aim of this coursework assignment is to test your knowledge of the following topics:
– The use of cookies in websites
– The Law and the use of cookies
– Developing cookie related code using HTML, JavaScript and PHP
Write a technical report which meets the following objectives…
a. To describe what is meant by ‘maintaining state’ with reference to the operation of websites.
b. To describe the purpose of cookies.
c. To discuss the legal requirements that web development companies must address when using cookies.
d. To write test code to demonstrate how to use cookies using JavaScript.
e. To write test code to demonstrate how to use cookies using PHP.
f. To discuss recent developments in the HTML5 standard that provides an alternative method for maintaining state other than using cookies.
g. To develop a simple website of your own choice that makes use of cookies. (use JavaScript for Task (g)).
• This assignment is more research-based there is less coding. Maintaining State Using Cookies is the topic.
• Research what cookies are. What they do, what is their purpose?
• Look into new European laws about what companies can and cannot use cookies for – a lot of big changes recently.
• How do we develop cookies in JavaScript and/or PHP?
• You need to write a technical report, covering the following:
a. Describe ‘Maintaining state’ in operation of websites.
b. Discuss purpose of cookies.
c. Discuss legal requirements for use of cookies.
d. Produce test code to demo your knowledge of cookies in JavaScript.
e. Produce test code to demo cookies in PHP.
f. Discuss recent developments in HTML5 standard that give an alternative method for maintaining state.
g. Produce a simple website that makes use of cookies (use JavaScript for Task (g)).
Can you please include the table of contents after the title page then include the Abstract after table of contents and then the Introduction? Can you please check to see if you have used Microsoft Word 2010 properly to create the table of contents? I have attached a PDF document which shows you how to create a table of contents using Microsoft Word 2010 the document is called MSWord2010-TOCpdf. You need to read this document first because it will tell you step by step on how to do it properly.
The report should include the following also so please check to make sure you have included everything listed below:
Your report should use the Harvard referencing system – References/Bibliography
Remember to use Harvard Referencing to show that your textual descriptions are based on published material. Do not copy text from websites, you need to write your own opinions and reference the original resources that you have read. To do this assignment you can use different websites to do this report.
You need to think about the structure of the report you need to include a cover page, contents page, Abstract/Summary, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion, and References/Bibliography.
Report structure and overall impression of being a well produced document.
References/Bibliography Remember to use Harvard Referencing to show that your textual descriptions are based on published material.
Do not copy text from websites or book, you need to write your own opinions and reference the original resources that you have read.
– Appendices This assignment should be written as a technical report format include all the relevant headings using the academic structure for a technical report. This assignment should be written as a technical report. Assignments should be word-processed in Arial 12 point font size, be double-spaced, on A4 size paper. Writing should appear on only one side of the paper, be fully justified and with each page being numbered in the footer, numbering to be centred. There should be a title page detailing the programme, module title, assignment title, student number, marking tutor and date of submission. Do NOT put your name on the assignment. It is good practice to put your student number in the top left hand side of the header of each page, and the date of submission in the top right.
All written work must be referenced using the Harvard System, full details can be found in the “Guide to Harvard Referencing” available on the Help Guide Section on the Library website:
Can you please use different websites to do this report relevant to the subject? Do not use wikipedia because it is not a reliable source this is what my tutor said? Can you please use the template for the report I have attached with this order the front cover page has been started? This word document is called ADAM-Khan-ak9amt-CookiesReport.docx you should use this Word document to do this report and save the word document as ADAM-Khan-ak9amt-CookiesReport.docx. You need to read the word document called the Report Writing – How to write a report before doing the report fully I have attached it with this order. The title of the technical report should be called Cookies and their use in maintaining state.
Submission Requirements:
1. Submit a single DOC file using the Turnitin submission link provided at the top of the CPU5001 Moodle page.
Name the file using the following format example (DO NOT NAME YOUR FILES EXACTLY AS SHOWN HERE, USE YOUR OWN DETAILS)…
You will be allowed to make several submission attempts of the report file up until the submission deadline in order to give you the opportunity to check the similarity value that Turnitin reports to you and take action if necessary.
2. Submit a single zip file containing all of your HTML/JavaScript/PHP development files. This will not be checked by Turnitin. A submission link will be provided at the top of the CPU5001 Moodle page.
Name the file using the following format example (DO NOT NAME YOUR FILES EXACTLY AS SHOWN HERE, USE YOUR OWN DETAILS)…
3. In addition to submitting the final version of the report and your development files as described above, you will need to give on-going demonstration of your development progress during scheduled class sessions. A final demonstration of your work should be given to the tutor in the final class session before the submission deadline.
• Submit:
o A single zip file of the HTML / JavaScript / PHP files you have used (covering (a)–(g), above). You can use any software that you find easy to use it should be free so you could use any software that is free to download and you need to know how to use it for doing the HTML, JavaScript, PHP files.
(b) The validity of the hypothesis test you have described in part (a) depends upon the Normality of ui. How would you test for the validity of the Normality assumption?
(a) With reference to a regression model that is to be estimated using panel data, explain the distinction between fixed effects estimation and random effects estimation.
(b) What are the factors that you would take into account when deciding whether to use fixed effects or random effects estimation?
(a) State and explain briefly the Gauss-Markov Theorem concerning the desirable properties of the ordinary least squares estimators of the coefficients of a linear regression model.
(b) What is a maximum likelihood estimator? What are the desirable
properties of maximum likelihood estimators? Under what circumstances are the ordinary least squares estimators identical to the maximum likelihood estimators?