Case Study 1
Bill and Diane are both age 25, married, but with no children. Bill works with you; you are analysts with a large retailing company. Bill and Diane are both very religious people, although not of your faith. They are great friends who you enjoy spending time with.A Gospel Perspective
A Gospel Perspective
Bill has talked to you about his need to get his financial house in order for many months. As usual, he wants all the answers now, without giving you the time to respond to his many questions. After a minute of thought, he asks you what you think are the four most important things he can do to get his financial house in order. You immediately think back to the four objectives from the class syllabus that I wanted you to get out of this personal finance class.
1. Briefly tell Bill about each of those four objectives and why these objectives are so important.
2. What can Bill do to incorporate each of these objectives into his life now?