
Briefly summarize your findings of the atmosphere


Physical Geography Group Project

This project both highlights and expands upon your findings in your research paper.

- You may use either PowerPoint or a poster. Time limit: 10-13 minutes. Other than that, there is no strict format to adhere to, and no citations/bibliography. Any number of people from your group can do the talking during the presentation. This can be more of a picture-heavy, rather than a text-heavy, presentation.

o However, please use the order of the following information as a rough guide to how your presentation should flow.

For this presentation, you will need to:

1. Show the class where exactly your two nations are located (either show in presentation, or use something like Google Maps in class).

2. Decide on 2 geologic features (one for each country) and briefly discuss. Include pictures in presentation. Each group will only discuss two landmarks, so decide on which two as a team.

3. Briefly summarize your findings of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, etc. This information should fit on 3-4 slides at most. Again, decide as a team on what information to include in the presentation.

Your presentation should then answer the following question:

1. What do you think are some of the biggest concerns for the future of this country (related to either nature or to human-nature interaction)?

2. What did you and the rest of your group find particularly interesting or surprising in your research?

You will be graded on:

- Creativity (Did you put forth effort to make your presentation visually appealing? Have some fun with this!)
- Organization (Is the presentation easy to follow, and are the visuals easy to understand?)
- Contributing significantly to the group (Did you pull your own weight, and help your teammates when you could?)
- Staying within time limits
- Providing the information asked in this assignment's instructions.

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Dissertation: Briefly summarize your findings of the atmosphere
Reference No:- TGS02508552

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