
Briefly summarize the land dispute settlement act to assist

Land Ownership Disputes

Assignment: Brief Summary of Land Dispute Settlement Act

Assuming your village is involved in a bitter struggle between a neighbouring village over a road construction gravel pit, which is likely to generate substantial income. It seems eminent that leaders of your neighbouring village are hell-bent on pursuing the matter to the highest court if initial mediation fails, which is most likely. This is the first time your village folks are involved in such a dispute. Because that piece of land is important, your village leaders are very concerned. As the only educated person, you've been asked by your village leaders to advise them on the avenues available to them to settle the dispute either through mediation or pursue it in higher courts. In trying to do this you find that you need to explain the Land Dispute Settlement Act.

In approximately 6 - 8 pages briefly summarize the Land Dispute Settlement Act. To assist you, read the article by Robert Cooter, 1991. "Kin Groups and the Common Law Process", in Peter Larmour ed. CustomaryLand Tenure and Decentralization in Papua New Guinea. Boroko: IASER

Write an additional paragraph as an advice your village elders on what the best option to take.

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Dissertation: Briefly summarize the land dispute settlement act to assist
Reference No:- TGS02379561

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