
Briefly review the blogs areas of expertise

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For this assignment, you have two choices, please see below, but the format above applies to both:
Social Media Content Platform Deep Dive

• Please select a social media content platform such as:

o Blogging (e.g., Wordpress)
o Facebook
o Twitter
o LinkedIn
o YouTube or other video platforms o Pinterest
o Instagram
o Vine
o Periscope
o Snapchat
o Podcasting

• Immerse yourself in this platform by learning about and observing what leading experts on content creation on the platform are doing as well as experiment yourself and relate it to how it could be beneRicial from a marketing - branding standpoint either for a personal or a company brand.

• You are allowed to dive deeper on a platform of choice even if you already discussed this in the context of Assignment 1, you would simply be expected to go even deeper for the purposes
of Assignment 2.

• Analyze your experiences and compile your recommendations on how to best use this platform that you think will be relevant to others as well.

My Favorite Digital Marketing Blog
• Identify a blog that you Rind particularly valuable in terms of Digital Marketing (Internet/Social Media/Content Marketing).

• Please do not use the following blogs by the textbook authors or by the frequently mentioned Social Media Examiner as this would result in too many using them as their examples:
o https://www.businessesgrow.com/blog/ o https:// contentmarketinginstitute.com/ o https:// www.socialmediaexaminer.com/

• Also, while I would have been Rlattered, please do not use my blog as your choice for the purposes of this assignment????.

• You can use resources such as the following (listed in no particular order) from sources I trust to identify your favorite:

o Googleorothersearchengine

o https://marketing.alltop.com/

o https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/top-­-10-­-social-­-media-­- blogs-­-

o https://inbound.org/top/blogs

o https://radius.com/2015/01/16/help-­-us-­-pick-­-best-­-marketing-­- blogs-­-

o https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2014/11/cornucopia-­-of-­-

o https://www.b2bmarketinginsider.com/content-­-marketing/top-­-

o https://blog.bufferapp.com/10-­-marketing-­-blogs-­-intermediate-­- advanced-­-marketers

• BrieRly review the blog's areas of expertise and try to get a sense of what the blog's message is all about.

• Please identify and link to three blog posts that you Rind particularly relevant to you and explain why.

• Analyze and discuss how you anticipate that the insights gained from this blog will affect you in your career.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Marketing Management: Briefly review the blogs areas of expertise
Reference No:- TGS01766101

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