(This will be a 4-5 page paper, typed and double-spaced. No other particular format is necessary. (Worth 80 points.) Since we have been talking about the Free Will theories, I want you to watch either a TV show, movie, documentary or read something that has to do with the topic of the Free Will theories. Discuss how the characters in the TV show, movie, etc. displayed the Free Will theories? Were the characters acting from a theory of free will, fate, determinism (hard or soft) or predestination? Or even a combination of the theories? How were these theories played out in the characters and the scenario of the show, movie or book? Note that a character may be operating out of more than one of the theories, depending on the circumstances. So, briefly outline the plot of the show, movie or book and then relate the characters actions, decisions, etc. to any or all of the theories. Get it? . Do me one favor, Do not write about any of the numerous "Final Destination" movies. I have read too many of these papers regarding this particular topic.