
Briefly outline the clients background age race occupations

Assignment 2: Diagnostic Case Reports

Go to the Faces of Abnormal Psychology website. There, you will see twelve different disorders listed. For this module, view the following disorders:

• Borderline Personality Disorder

• Substance Use

After clicking a disorder, click the Diagnostic Overview tab in the left column. This will cover the major diagnostic features of the disorder. After that, click the DSM-5 Features tab. You can then go though the Case History, Interview, and Treatment sections on the website. Finally, in the Assessment section, you can complete an optional multiple-choice quiz. You have to write a case report for each case study. You should use the format provided on the web page. There is a sample report that you can also view by clicking the link in the upper-right corner.

The format for the sample report is as follows:

Your Name

Instructor's Name

Class/Section Number


• Outline the major symptoms of this disorder.

• Briefly outline the client's background (age, race, occupations, etc.).

• Describe any factors in the client's background that might predispose him or her to this disorder.


• Describe any symptoms that you have observed that support the diagnosis. You can include direct quotes or behaviors that you may have observed.

• Describe any symptoms or behaviors that are inconsistent with the diagnosis.

• Provide any information that you have about the development of this disorder.


• Did you observe any evidence of general medical conditions that might contribute to the development of this disorder?

• Did you observe any evidence of psychosocial and environmental problems that might contribute to this disorder?

• As per your observations, what is the client's overall level of safety regarding the potential harm to self or others (suicidality or homicidality)?

• What cross-cultural issues, if any, affect the differential diagnosis?

Therapeutic Intervention

• In your opinion, what are the appropriate short-term goals of this intervention?

• In your opinion, what are the appropriate long-term goals of this intervention?

• Which therapeutic strategy seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?

• Which therapeutic modality seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?

• Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Include citations in the text and references at the end of the document in APA format.

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Dissertation: Briefly outline the clients background age race occupations
Reference No:- TGS02906452

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