Briefly identify the racial problems addressed

Question 1:

a. Briefly identify the racial problems addressed by the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas decision.

b. What provision(s) of the Constitution provided the basis for the judicial decision in Brown?

Question 2:

a. Briefly identify the racial problems addressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

b. What provision(s) of the Constitution provided the basis for the Civil Rights Act legislation?

Question 3: Now, take a look at the article in this week's module about the home appraisal values differing substantially, apparently due to the race of the homeowner. Assuming racial discrimination is at least partly responsible, would such a problem be considered de jure or de facto discrimination? Explain in a paragraph or so, referring to specific content in the article to support your perspective.

Question 4: As Patterson talks about in chapter 5, federal courts apply "levels of review" to evaluate different types of discrimination claims. For each of the examples below, tell me what level of scrutiny - strict, intermediate or reasonable basis - would be applied to evaluate the claim.

a. A woman at a road construction contractor sues her employer over a rule requiring that an employee have experience on a road crew in order to become a manager, but there is also a company policy that women are barred from doing such jobs.

b. An African American pilot says that a government regulation mandating that all pilots retire at 60 years old is unconstitutional.

c. A woman claims that Hispanic applicants seeking public assistance are required to submit more paperwork related to employment history and information about dependents than White and Black applicants have to complete when seeking the same type of benefits.

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