Questions - Answers should be from chapter 3 and some of them from chapter 4 from the book.
1. Briefly explain the differences between processes and threads
2. For a given process what blocks of memory are duplicated for multiple threads? Which are not?
3. How does multithreading help applications like webservers?
4. Briefly explain the benefits of multi-threading over running multiple processes.
5. Describe considerations that must be taken when using multithreading.
6. What are the differences between user threads and system threads?
7. Describe the 3 types of multithreading models. What are the pros and cons of each?
8. What are the benefits of Thread pools?
9. In what instances would multithreading not be useful?
Book - Operating System Concepts with Java, 8th edition by ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ, PETER BAER GALVIN and GREG GAGNE
Chapter 3: Processes
Chapter 4: Threads