
Briefly explain in 2-3 sentences how epidemiologist john

Epidemiology Assignment -

There are 3 challenges (marked in yellow) you need to do.

Challenge 1 - Below are three key terms taken from the definition of epidemiology, followed by a list of activities that an epidemiologist might perform. Match the term to the activity that best describes it. You should match only one term per activity.

A. Distribution

B. Determinants

C. Application

1. ____ Recommend that close contacts of a child recently reported with Hepatitis A receive a an injection of gamma-globulin.

2. Salmonella and those without. ____ Compare food histories between persons with a food poisoning caused by

3. ____ Graph the number of cases of congenital HIV infections by year for the country

4. ____ Compare frequency of brain cancer among anatomists with frequency in general population

5 ____ Tabulate the frequency of clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings among children with chickenpox in Bridgeport, CT.

6. ____ Mark on a map the residences of all children suffering from with leukemia within 2 miles of a hospital incinerator.

Challenge 2 - Answer the following questions about John Snow's in-vestigation.

1. Briefly explain (in 2-3 sentences) how epidemiologist John Snow discovered the origin of the cholera outbreak in 1854, London.

2. Look at the map. From this information, Snow was able to deduce the primary source of contaminated water and the most likely source of infection for most persons with cholera in the Golden Square area. How did he make this determination?

3. He noted with curiosity, however, that no cases of cholera had occurred in one area in the Golden Square area. Upon investigating, Snow found a brewery located there with a deep well on the premises. Brewery workers got their water from this well, and also received a daily portion of malt liquor. Access to these uncontaminated rations could explain why none of the brewery's employees contracted cholera. Where was the brewery?

Challenge 3 - Your goal is to go back to Section 2 above, read the description of John Snow's research on the cholera epidemic. Now identify an ex-ample of each of these core epidemiological functions that Snow used in his study. Choose 3 of the 6 Core Functions.

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Dissertation: Briefly explain in 2-3 sentences how epidemiologist john
Reference No:- TGS02810646

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