
Briefly explain how the issue was addressed in your country

Compare and Contrast

Students will pick a recent (last two years) political issue and country of interest to them. Pick a country listed in the Smith book only (also found on the sign up sheet).

Countries should not be duplicated more than once. Topics should not be duplicated. Duplicated countries or topics will receive a grade of 0 and have to be redone.

Among the issues you may pick are immigration, public or higher education, the environment, health care, civil rights and liberties, war, social movements, information, and issues pertaining to the powers of any branch of government.

Each class students will be called upon to briefly compare and contrast how the US and one country covered in the Katznelson and Smith books addresses the issue.

Focus your comparison to one concept in the readings or my lectures for that topic of the class listed in the Course Outline of the syllabus.

Students will sign up for the class to briefly (under 10 minutes) summarize what they have learned and tell us what sources they used.

Students should use at least two of the three types of sources described below.

Your verbal and written compare and contrast should include:

• briefly provide background on the issue

• briefly explain how the issue was addressed in your country of choice. Be specific about which ?branch of government addressed the issue and the outcome.

• contrast to how the issue has been addressed in the US. Be specific about which branch of ?government addressed the issue and the outcome.

• what did you learn about how that country's system functions differently than the US

• provide an explanation for the different outcomes

• provide as many specific details as possible

• give the two references (in APA)??Details about your compare and contrast papers:

• at least two references to each book

• at least two full citations any two of the 3 kinds of citations (popular, academic, and trade/ ?government) in APA

• in text cites in the body of the paper: (last name of author or title of publication, year published)

• type in 2 x space and 12 pt font

• include your name, date, name of the assignment at the top of the page

• proofread and spell check before turning in

• unstapled papers will not be accepted

• maximum 750 words not including the bibliography (do not put on separate page if there is space)

• the typed compare and contrast is due when you begin your presentation. If you need a copy to do ?your presentation you'll need to bring two copies.

• if the typed compare and contrast is not ready to be turned in on the day of the presentation the ?student may make the verbal summary and turn in the typed compare and contrast late

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Other Subject: Briefly explain how the issue was addressed in your country
Reference No:- TGS02710029

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