
Briefly discuss areas of concern key players names optional

Leadership Challenge Case Situation

Assignments as a written text submission and in no more than 300 words, a current or past leadership challenge you face; you will use this challenge to prepare your case analysis paper, and respond to discussion threads.

Your leadership challenge may be an organizational problem such as a difficult employee(s), a new initiative, and/or opportunity. In identifying your challenge, position yourself as the leader with or without position power; if you don't manage others, your challenge could address influencing colleagues. The challenge must include relationships with others; it is not a personal challenge such as finding a job. Although many students identify challenges they face in their workplace, some use other organizations in which they volunteer.

In addition to clearly and concisely stating the leadership issue, initiative, and/or opportunity as illustrated in the examples below, briefly discuss areas of concern, key players (names optional), and your goal(s) in addressing the challenge. This description can be used to describe the challenge or situation in your paper.

Here are some examples of leadership issues other students have successfully used without any details such as areas of concern, players involved or goals. The leadership challenge is a leader who

•Must facilitates employees adjusting to new responsibilities after a re-organization or lay-off
•Is newly promoted and is now supervising former peers
•Must change employees' focus from quantity to quality
•Needs to build collaboration among different departments or individuals
•Is newly hired managing a disgruntled employee who didn't get promoted
•Wants to transform a team from being competitive to collaborative
•Must gain cooperation and support from a cross-functional team of peers
•As an HR professional must influence the management team
•Is an officer of a volunteer organization with a declining and disinterested membership
•Is a youth soccer coach with team parents focused on winning over sportsmanship?

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Business Management: Briefly discuss areas of concern key players names optional
Reference No:- TGS02613400

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