
Briefly describe your ngos assets and capabilities and

Worksheet 1
Identify Assets and Capabilities Your NGO Might Provide in Alliances

Read the following list of assets and capabilities (in column 1) upon which NGOs attract business as alliance partners. Briefly describe your NGO's assets and capabilities (in column 2), and indicate the types of businesses (or specific businesses) that are likely to value them (in column 3).

Column 1
Assets and Capabilities Some NGO's

Powerful mission: a compelling purpose, the organization's reason for being

Strong presence: a well-known name, credibility, excellent reputation, attractive logo

Access to potential customers or markets for sales, product development, and testing

Extensive communication or distribution systems

Organizational expertise in job training, child care, research, and so forth Access to potential employees to work for a business

Volunteer opportunities: individual and team, short and long-term Ability to provide recognition, endorsement, or awards

Column 2
Our NGO's

Assets & Capabilities

Socio economic empowerment of women by providing skilled training Credibility, excellent reputation Access to customers for sales

- Child care Creating self-employment opportunities

- Provide recognition

Column 3
Businesses likely to Value these Assets & Capabilities

Educational Institutions

Technology Retailing goods

- Pharmaceutical companies Electronics/Machinery

- Food and beverage

Worksheet 2

Determine Benefits Your NGO Might Seek in Alliances

Rate the possible benefits (in column 1) that a corporate alliance partner might provide to your NGO in column 2. Consider this rating from the perspective of your primary stakeholders and those people whose lives are transformed through the NGO's work. In column 3, identify specific business and the resources, recognition, and other benefits they may provide to your NGO.

Worksheet 3
Review of NGO's Strategic Goals and Readiness for Developing Alliances

Strategic goals: What aspects of our vision for the organization's future can alliances help us realize?

Effective governance: In what ways does our board demonstrate the capacity to establish sound policy, set clear direction, make timely decisions, and delegate effectively?

Effective management: In what ways do we demonstrate our ability to systematically plan, implement, and evaluate major initiatives?

Quality programs: Which programs / services do we offer that demonstrate our ability to achieve results?

Financial Systems: Do we have sound financial systems so that alliances with businesses can be managed effectively?

Positive organizational culture: Do we demonstrate an openness to entrepreneurial activities, seeking new opportunities, welcoming challenges, etc.

Worksheet 5
Business and Current Relationship

Tech Mahindra
Sai Solutions
Big Tech Solutions
Jean Franco Foundation

Worksheet 6

Business and Current Relationship on Collaboration Continuum

Tech Mahindra
Sai Solutions
Big Tech Solutions
Jean Franco Foundation

Worksheet 7
Business 1 Tech Mahindra:

Is your NGO's mission or values attractive to or compatible with businesses?

How might an alliance contribute to the business' success?

What risks or costs might be involved?


1. Completed worksheets 8 and 10* from the Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Workbook

*The corporate partner you discuss in worksheet 10 is contingent on your assessments in worksheet 8. These worksheets should be included in the appendix along with all other worksheets that you have completed for the project.

2. 1. A Table of Contents with numbered pages

3. 2. An Executive Summary - A brief, one page summary of the following sections:

3. The background of the NGO and selected corporate partner including: missions, visions, industries, distinctive competencies, etc.

4. Key drivers, requisites, and benefits of the alliance

5. An assessment of compatibility between the NGO and the chosen partner

6. A recommended relationship collaboration strategy (using Austin's (2010, 2012) collaboration continuum framework)

7. References.

There should be at least six references from journal articles, textbooks, or government publications in addition to any materials used in the course.

8. Appendix

To stay within the 10 page limit, you may insert supplemental materials such as tables, graphs, charts, annual reports, etc. here

Note: If you are using material from the organizations, permission to include it must be obtained and the relevant confidentiality issues must be observed.

The final report (Part IV) is to be 8 to 10 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, and appropriately cited / referenced. Guidelines for the recommended APA style

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Management Theories: Briefly describe your ngos assets and capabilities and
Reference No:- TGS02559202

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