Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders: Challenges
In the study of forensic psychology, emphasis typically is placed on the individuals being served and their specific traits relevant to treatment. Forensic psychology professionals in forensic treatment settings must be familiar with symptoms of the myriad mental illnesses described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). Additionally, treatment professionals must be well versed in the process of psychotherapy and other treatment approaches for the mentally ill. While many of the traditional counseling and therapy theories and approaches used with clinical clients also are appropriate for mentally ill offenders (e.g., empathy, unconditional positive regard, and genuineness), forensic settings are not conventional treatment settings and may require special considerations.
Select two challenges related to the treatment of mentally ill offenders in a forensic setting. Think about the steps you would take to overcome these challenges. Finally, consider what treatment approach(es) best addresses these challenges.
Identify at least two challenges related to the treatment of mentally ill offenders in a forensic setting.
Explain the challenges you selected and the steps you would take to overcome them.
Briefly describe the treatment approach(es) you think best addresses the challenges you identified and why. Be specific.
Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced.