
Briefly describe the three key ingredient that are necessary


I. Consider this passage: "If housing prices continue to rise, more people will choose to rent apartments instead of buying houses." Is this an argument? Explain why or why not. In your answer, you should use *each of* these technical terms from our course in a way that shows that you understand their meaning: premise, conclusion, inference, and argument.

II. True or false: Two different propositions can be expressed by the same statement. Clearly explain your answer, in a way that shows that you understand these key terms, and then give an original example

III. Identify and briefly describe the three key ingredients that are necessary for propositional knowledge. In your answer, briefly explain *why* each one is necessary

IV. Come up with your own original example of a *declarative sentence* (not one from the lecture or the textbook). What is the difference between *believing* the proposition this sentence expresses, *disbelieving* it, and *suspending judgement* about it? Why are these options *mutually exclusive* at a given time?

V. Consider this statement: "Cheating on your taxes is morally wrong." What would the *realist*, the *nihilist*, the *relativist*, and the *philosophical skeptic* (about ethics/morality) each say about this statement, and why?

VI. It is said that if you are a *skeptic* about *absolutely everything*, then your view is self-defeating. Clearly explain why this is so.

VII. What is the key difference between (a) motivational errors in belief formation, and (b) failures to weigh the evidence properly? Give one example of (a). Then explain, two different *types* of (b), and give one example of each type.

VIII. Explain the coherence model of truth in your own words. Then, give an original example of a true proposition and an example of a false proposition (not one from the lecture or textbook). Then, explain how the coherence model would account for each one. Finally, clearly explain one drawback that this model is thought to have.

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