
Briefly describe the social movement

Question 1:

1)  Pick a social movement to discuss. You may refer to one of the social movements listed in our text or you may find a peer-reviewed journal article that adequately describes a social movement. 

A) Briefly describe the social movement in your own words.

B) What type of movement is/was it (revolutionary/reform, instrumental/expressive)?  Explain your answer.

C) Apply one microsocial or macrostructrual explanation of social movements to your chosen movement.  How does this explanation account for the origins of this social movement?

D) Completely Optional: Using Smelser's "types of responses by the authorities to social movements," explain the outcomes of this social movement.

Question 2:

Choose two points or concerns relating to children and suicide. Discuss your chosen topics clearly and expand your discussion with additional information from two academic published sources, one of which can be our textbook.

  • Align your posting to the discussion rubric and make sure you support your writing with facts. Your writing cannot be solely opinion.
  • Do not copy the question back into your reply.


Suicide Prevention Resource Center (n.d.)

Question 3:

First I would love to hear about your future endeavors and so please take this opportunity to reflect on your progress in accomplishing your educational goals as you move forward in your academic career.

More than half the world's population now lives in cities around the globe and that number is expected to rise to 2/3 by 2050. When thinking about sustainable development, that means cities will be ground zero for innovation and achievement. This week you studied what sustainable development means and some great examples of those leading the way. Here let's discuss how your city is doing! Using the following resources (and those from the course) look up your city to see where they place. Then check out the Sustainable Cities Review and pick out a few ideas that you think would work well where you are and why you believe it would be successful in your area.

  • United States Sustainable Development Report 2021 (find your state here by clicking on state profiles at the top) - Then find your city in the 2019 report (if yours is not listed, find the closest one or one you are interested in) - Princeton, Sustainable Cities Review (examples of what others are doing

Answer the following questions:

  • How is your state doing overall? Summarize their standing.
  • Where does your city fall on the sustainable development report list? (A screenshot is great but make sure to embed it in the post rather than attached and discuss your findings too). Highlight some of the SDG dashboards and trends that your city is "doing well" and "not so well".
  • What is a couple of practical ways the city could become more sustainable?

Question 4: Provide 3 examples and demonstrate how you will apply what you learned this semester.

Question 5: Name the three (3) separate government components that make up the U.S.  Criminal justice system and explain their function and how they work together.  If you would make a recommendation for change in one of the components, what would it be and why?

Question 6: Why are professionalism and ethics critical to policing?  Identify at least two ethical issues in the current law enforcement environment and ways to adhere to ethical practices.  How would you try to reduce ethical issues in law enforcement to build community trust?

Question 7: Examine community policing strategies by explaining the history of the concept, current trends, and future?  When discussing the future of community policing, how has technology made it easier or better?  What technological advancements make it easier for law enforcement to engage with the community and provide examples?

Question 8: Why  is stress management important to an officer's health and safety?  What stress reduction strategies can help reduce stress for officers?

Question 9: Discuss the total rewards program (i.e., compensation and employee benefits) in place at your most recent or current place of employment. 

1. How are changes in compensation and benefits communicated to employees? For example, do you understand how your employer determines your base compensation for the job that you hold, as well as increases to your base compensation?

2. Which aspects of the total rewards program are most important to you? Why?

3. If incentives and bonuses are part of your compensation program, please explain how they are determined, as well as how important this aspect of your employer's total rewards program is to employee retention?

Question 10: Based on research consider the ethical rationale for and against using genetic technologies to perfect human beings. Which aligns best with your own moral compass? What is your role as a STEM professional in ensuring the ethical use of these technologies?

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