Briefly describe the significance of the topic

Discussion Post

In order to minimize duplicate content, students are required to submit their initial post prior to reviewing the initial posts of classmates. Initial posts should include the following elements at a minimum in order to receive full credit:

Submission by the due date with the minimum word requirement.

Comprehension of concepts from course resources and weekly lessons is demonstrated.

Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Incorporation of course resources and weekly lessons including the citation of two credible sources.

In any forums that have more than one part, the total number of words combined just needs to be at least 300. Each part does not need to be at least 300 words.

Forum Post: Performance Enhancing Drugs Debate (300 words)

We read and hear news reports about performance enhancing drug use in sports so regularly some may think all athletes are taking them. We also hear and read regular reports of athletes committing crimes and carrying unlawful weapons. Is deviance out of control in sports, or is deviance just behavior that's interfering with the status quo and not really a problem to anyone other than wealthy people with property to protect? What's your view? Explain your position incorporating data from the text and applying one of the theories discussed.

Homework: Paper Topic Proposal

Topic: The Relationship between Sports and Culture

Provide the topic (the relationship between sports and culture) of your final paper for the instructor's approval. This is the topic that will be used to complete your Homework due at the end of week seven. You may select any topic pertains to the History, Culture, and Social Contexts of Sport. Select a topic that is meaningful and significant to you. Please be sure to review the paper requirements in instructions for the final Homework before completing this Homework.

For this Homework, provide the following:

List and briefly describe the selected topic.

Briefly describe the significance of this topic and your rationale for researching this particular topic.

Briefly describe and list sources you will use when researching this topic (i.e. specific journals, books, articles, etc.). Remember, at least 75% of your sources need to be scholarly; newspapers, magazines, blogs, and most information on general websites are not scholarly.

Upload this into a Word document and follow the writing expectations for the course. Each question must be answered in paragraph form and should include approximately 3-7 sentences per response. Be sure to include an APA formatted title page and reference page (if you referenced any material).

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: Briefly describe the significance of the topic
Reference No:- TGS03029456

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