
Briefly describe the relevant economic trends in indonesia

Case: Country study

Use the World Fact Book https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mx.html, other web sites listed in the global week power points on Blackboard, US Government web sites, the business press, and other sources.

See's Candies is a long established maker of candies sold in shops in the western US and several Asian countrieswho is seeking growth by expanding its Asian operationshttps://www.sees.com/. They have chosen to explore establishing operations in Indonesia.

1. Briefly describe the relevant economic, demographic, social, and other trends inIndonesia.

2. Discuss the difficulties a company like See's Candiesmight experience in expanding to Indonesia. Describe brand building in particular.

3. a) Point out the pros and cons for each ofthree options for See's: opening its own shops to make and sell candy as it has in other Asian countries;making the candy themselves then selling through existing candy retailers in Indonesia; or signing a licensing agreement with a candy maker in Indonesia who would make the candy using See's recipes and brand name then sell it however the licensee desired.

b) Which would you recommend and why?

About 2 pages (3 maximum), times new roman 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins all around.

NOTE: you must acknowledge direct quotes with "quotation marks" and cite (Jones 2013 web):
"Consequently, multi-benefit positioning is the exception rather than the norm and is most often limited to two attributes (Chernev p.44)."

When paraphrasing in your own words other's thoughts use either of these:
Multi-benefit positioning is not common (Chernev p.44).
Chernev (p.44) states that multi-benefit positioning is not common.

Attachment:- Chernav.rar

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Marketing Management: Briefly describe the relevant economic trends in indonesia
Reference No:- TGS01760704

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