We are using the book US Hisory by Corbett online but we can also use other websites and scholarly writings to get the information. Thank you for your help.
Question 1: Describe the geopolitical relationship between the imperial powers in North America in the first half of the 18th century.
Question 2: Briefly describe the relationship between British colonials and the imperial government in the first half of the 18th Century. What are the key issues of the relationship?
Question 3: Describe the geopolitical relationship between the imperial powers in North America in 1765.
Question 4: Briefly describe the relationship between British colonials and the imperial government in the 10 years prior to the American Revolution. What are the key issues of the relationship?
Question 5: Compare your answers for questions 1 and 3 and also for questions 2 and 4. How did relationships between British colonists and Britain change? Why did this change occur?