Briefly describe the positions of the organisations in the

Portfolio Tasks

1 Use an essay format to answer the assigned task. The prescribed structure is given below.

2. Write an introductory paragraph that provides a brief profile of the video-case.

Briefly describe the positions of the organisations in the video based on the model-elements of Strategic Management. End the introductory paragraph with objectives of the portfolio.

3. The main body of your video-reaction is the Content and Analysis. It should be supported with applicable theories and concepts complying the following sub-tasks:

a) Analyse and compare the competitive advantage of both Coke and Pepsi using the conceptual parameters of: (a) Sustainability; (b) Inimitability, and (c) Brand Management.

b) Apply Porters Five Forces Model to analyse the Cola industry.

c) Recommend the best strategic options for Coke and Pepsi at the height of the so-called "Cola War" keeping in view the speed of change for business environment. Support it with relevant theoretical citations.

4. Make a conclusion of your reaction.

5. Acknowledge the contributors of your work according to Harvard Referencing system. In-text reference is a must aside from the list of references provided at the end of the manuscript to assure consistency.

Structure of this Portfolio:

I. Introduction:

Should include the following:
- Relevant theories/concepts based on Strategic Management model.
- Brief profile of the reviewed video.
- Objectives of the portfolio (refer to the tasks)

II. Content and Analysis: (520 words)

Should include the following:

1. Analyses and comparison of the competitive advantage of both Coke and Pepsi using the conceptual parameters of: (a) Sustainability and (b) Inimitability.

2. Application of Porter's Five Forces Model to analyse the Cola industry.

3 Recommendation of the best strategic options for Coke and Pepsi at the height of the so-called "Cola War-, keeping in view the speed of change for business environment with the support of relevant theoretical citations.

III. Conclusion: (150 words)

Provide a summary of the important points of the discussion. It should be drawn according to the objectives of the portfolio mentioned in the introduction.

IV. References:

Required number of references must not be less than 10, applying the accurate Harvard Referencing system.

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Dissertation: Briefly describe the positions of the organisations in the
Reference No:- TGS01415449

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