
Briefly describe the npo young life

Complete the assignment in a 2 page:

Review the chapter The use of personal solicitation in major gift fundraising

Application: Solicitation of Major Donors

Resource Development

To prepare for this assignment:

• Achieving Excellence in Fundraising. Pay particular attention to strategies for soliciting major gifts from donors.

• Fundraising Basics: A Complete Guide. Focus on how a proposal might be presented during a solicitation visit with a potential major donor. Also, think about challenges related to the solicitation visit and consider how each might be addressed.

• Review the online article "Design Your Program: Overview" from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Consider the importance of crafting a persuasive "case" and the various ways in which a case may be expressed to potential donors.

• Bring to mind the nonprofit organization you will use for your Final Project.

• Consider how you would present your proposal to a potential major donor during a solicitation visit. Think about what issues you might emphasize and what you might say to "make your case" as you are presenting your proposal.

The assignment (1-2 pages):

• Briefly describe the NPO Young Life. (Keep The Language Scholarly, not acscribing to faith based language)

• Explain howyoumight make a presenation to a prospective major donor during a solicitation visit. Be sure to include what you might

say to the prospective donor to secure a donatiLearning Resources


o Course Text: Fundraising Basics: A Complete Guide"The Use of Personal Solicitation in Major Gift Fundraising," including Appendices

• Describe two challenges you might encounter during a solicitation visit with a prospective major donor. Then explain how you might address eacg.

• trategies you might use to solicit donors who make small to medium donations and explain why you chose each.

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Other Subject: Briefly describe the npo young life
Reference No:- TGS01807444

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