
Briefly describe the impact of each constraint and how it

This is a Research Paper in the post-graduate area of Requirements Practice. It will require a subject matter expert from an Engineering background.

Assignment 1

1. Conduct the C1.1.1 Identify major stakeholders activity for the system-of-interest.

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response). Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design.

In each of the activities below you should provide your rationale for the options or answers that you choose. You should begin by showing how you define stakeholders for this question - provide a definition of stakeholders that moves beyond ‘all those influenced by a system'. You may provide an alternative definition or categorisation of stakeholders.

Identify and apply all of the 8 steps in C1.1.1. to the assignment scenario, that is, to the system-of-interest. Provide all appropriate detail from the scenario for each step. Conduct some analysis and include additional comment in regard to process/outcomes or provide rationale for the choices made in applying the 8 steps of C.1.1.1 (versus simply listing the answer to each step).

Identify a business owner. Provide rationale for selection. Identify responsibilities.

- Identify all candidate stakeholders (anyone affected by the system or able to affect it). Provide rationale for inclusion.
- Evaluate candidates and select stakeholders (individuals or groups of stakeholders by type). Provide rationale for inclusion or exclusion of stakeholders.
- Identify the roles, responsibilities, and interrelationships of all stakeholders and stakeholder groups.
- Identify a stakeholder representative (an individual) for each stakeholder group. Provide rationale for selection.
- Prioritise stakeholders. Explain the rationale for categorisation and what each categorisation entails.
- Identify stakeholder management strategies and relate this to your stakeholders, Provide rationale for the allocation of strategies.
- Develop a Stakeholder Management Plan (SMP). Identify the need to maintain and refine the SMP over time. At a minimum, identify what needs to be included within a Stakeholder Management Plan and why.

Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of stakeholders, their identification and management. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references OR 2) presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example, a comparison of approaches to stakeholder management or a consideration of alternate Stakeholder Management Plan templates).

2. Conduct the C1.2.1 Define mission, goals, and objectives activity for the system-of-interest.

You are to develop the mission, goals and objectives at the system level, not the project level.

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response). Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design.

You should consider the assignment scenario to represent the stakeholder requirements at this stage.
You are to develop a system mission statement and supporting goals and objectives-that is, do not include project goals and objectives.
Show the application of the steps in C1.2.1 in accordance with the notes, including:
- using accurate terminology;
- showing hierarchical development and display of mission, goals, objectives;
- showing the process and the iterative development through which your final set of mission/goals/objectives was developed and refined; and
- providing an explanation for changes and refinement.

Is a single sentence which provides the parent statement for the system goals.
Includes all appropriate explicit and implied elements, that is, includes an element for all of the anticipated important functions/features of the system. Where required, footnotes (or glossary items) are used to explain particular function sets. The statement is a system mission statement, not a project mission statement.

Complies with all the properties of a good system mission statement.
Uses 5(ish) elements in elaborating the hierarchy (system goals and objectives) including derived and decomposed elements. Does not include project goals and objectives.
All goals are a single sentence that is a parent statement for a number of objectives (that are a single sentence). The goals and objectives are functional, not physical.

Traceability/Completeness. Key concepts in the objectives are obvious in the goals, and the key concepts in the goals are evident in the mission, that is and forward and backward traceability are considered.

Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of Mission, Goals, Objectives and their development. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references; OR 2) presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example, a comparison of uses of missions and goals in other domains such as business or government; or a discussion on hierarchies generally, their application and alternative structures).

3. Identify the constraints that are relevant to the system-of-interest and its acquisition (conduct activities C1.1.2, C1.1.3, and C1.1.4).

Briefly describe the impact of each constraint and how it would need to be taken into account throughout the design process.

Describe/define business and project, external and design constraints (what are they generally). Consider alternate methods of dealing with constraints.

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response).

Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design.

You are to conduct the three activities in accordance with the text, although you are to consider whether the categories are sufficient for this system-of-interest and whether there are any additional constraints that you have identified.

Having identified each constraint you are then required to consider two issues: first, what is the impact of the constraint; and second, how would you take that into account through the design process.

Identify business and project constraints in accordance with C1.1.2. Each constraint must be specific to the system of interest in this assignment.

Analyse the impact of each constraint and identify how it would be taken into account in the design process.
Identify external constraints in accordance with the considerations of C.1.1.3. Each constraint must be specific to the system described in this assignment.

Analyse the impact of each constraint and identify how it would be taken into account in the design process.
Identify design constraints IAW the considerations of C1.1.4. Each constraint must be specific to the system under consideration in this assignment.

Analyse the impact of each constraint and identify how it would be taken into account in the design process.

You should finish with some discussion regarding the testing of constraints in this case. Comment on the need for some caution when considering constraints IAW Section 4.6 noting work should not progress until each constraint is tested and taken on knowingly into the next activity i.e. each constraint is inviolate and must remain a constraint; consider what can be done to remove the constraint if that would facilitate the progress of the project.

Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of constraints and their identification and management. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references; OR 2) presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example how constraints are tested in other organisations or domains).

4. Choose one major operational scenario and briefly conduct the C1.2.2

Define preliminary operational scenarios activity for that scenario.

Draw appropriate FFBDs down to level three/four to support that operational scenario.

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response).

Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design

The specific operational scenario is described and depicts the full range of circumstances under which the system is required to operate for this scenario. While it is not necessary to describe every possible element of the scenario, all important aspects of operation must be represented.

You need to consider the likely functions associated with the specific scenario identified. This needs to be done from the perspective of all actors in the system. Scenarios represent all scenario-relevant stakeholder perspectives.

You should consider modes of operation, and you might consider adverse outcomes. States and modes should be discussed generally and identified for the scenario.

FFBDs encompass the scenario fully down to level 3 or 4, with the first level being level 0.

Pathways through the FFBD are identified and represent the scenario description accurately. FFBDs are numbered hierarchically or the hierarchy is identifiable.

Exception conditions are incorporated into scenarios/FFBDs.

Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of operational scenarios and their use and development. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references; OR 2) presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example, the uses of different diagramming techniques in requirements elicitation, or scenario development methods in alternate domains such as the military).

Assignment 2

Please revise and resubmit any portion of Assignment 1 that provides useful context at the start of Assignment 2.

5. Draw system-level context diagrams for the system-of-interest (you might consider the operational view, the acquisition view, and the support/sustainment view).

Identify the system boundary on the context diagrams and then describe it in functional and physical terms (that is, clarify the relationship of each element in the diagrams with the system boundary/impact on system design).

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response).

Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design.

Conduct pre-cursor activities to support development of the context diagram/s and identify all the possible candidate elements.

You are to follow the steps/considerations of C1.3.1 and show the development of your diagram/s not just the final result. Explain the development of the context diagram/s in accordance with the steps/considerations of C1.3.1.

Show diagram/s supporting the development of the context diagram/s.

Similar elements are grouped in accordance with their relationship with the system, their impact on it, or their interface with it.

Show context diagrams for the operational view, the acquisition view, and the support/sustainment view. If the project is to have multiple phases during acquisition, there could even be one context diagram for each phase; at a minimum identify which type of context view is shown.

Distinguish between interfaces, influences, constraints or identify these within each context diagram.

Once you have completed the context diagram/s you should then examine each element that is shown and identify its relationship with the system boundary, and your rationale. You should identify both physical and logical boundaries-that is, these may be different and you should explain the reasons for this.

Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of context diagrams, their development and use. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references; 2) OR presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example, a comparison of different types of context diagrams and symbology for different domains).

6. List the system's external interfaces and label them on the context diagram for the ‘Operational View'.

Choose ONE external interface and define it (description, impact analysis, control analysis) in accordance with of activity C1.3.3).

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response).

Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design.

All appropriate external interfaces are listed, and labelled on the context diagrams for the Acquisition, Operational and Sustainment Views. The rationale for each element identified as an external interface is provided.

Identify whether each interface may occur physically in more than one location (most likely outside the system physical boundary as well as at the boundary), why, and the impact.

Name, short title and an identifier are documented for the given interface.

The selected interface is described in greater detail, in terms of C.1.3.3. The nature of the given interface is described in terms of who, what, when, where, why, and how.

As part of the analysis, the impact of the nominated interface is considered on the design of the system-in particular, constraints imposed by the system are identified. Treatment of exceptions or failures of the interface is identified.

Risk analysis is conducted to determine the impact of the interface on the operation and design of the system OR at a minimum the need for risk identification is acknowledged.

Each element of the external interface is analysed to determine the extent to which it can be controlled. Desirable means of control are identified.

System-level functional requirements are identified as a result of the interface analysis. It would be expected that at least ten (10) requirements would be identified.

Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of external interfaces, their identification and management. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references; OR 2) presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example, a comparison of approaches to interface identification or analysis).

7. Identify at least five significant system-level trade studies associated with project. Conduct ONE of the identified trade studies.

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response). Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design.

Having identified a number of significant system-level trade studies, you are required to conduct ONE trade study (trade-off analysis) in accordance with the course notes (Section 7.3), which provides detailed guidance. You might consider using the assignment scenario (as a rudimentary form of SNR) and your system mission, goals and objectives to inform your trade-study. Data is to be provided in a logical format and is comprehensive across all options (such as a table showing all options, rather than simply assessing each option is isolation) OR where each option is assessed in isolation, a summary table across all options is provided.

Step 1 Definition of objective and scope for the trade study are documented in precise terms. Also defines: processes and methodologies; data and information collection requirements; and schedule of activities and a budget.

Step 2 Identification of alternative solutions. A range of feasible alternative solutions is described in sufficient detail to allow detailed consideration.

Step 3 Nomination of selection criteria. Criteria are formulated that provide a quantitative measure of the effectiveness of the alternatives to meet the requirements of the problem. Criteria are described rather than simply listed.

Step 4 Determination of criteria weighting. Criteria are weighted according to their relative importance. The rationale for each weighting is identified.

Step 5 Definition of scoring function. Scoring functions are assigned to each criterion. The rationale is provided (to ensure that the performance of each of the alternatives against the criteria is scored consistently).

Step 6 Evaluation of alternatives. Alternatives are assessed and the result is discussed in terms of the alternative rankings.

Step 7 Sensitivity study. A sensitivity study, or formal sensitivity analysis, is performed to confirm the sensitivity of the results of the overall trade-off analysis to small changes in the criteria, weighting and scoring functions.
Analysis, workings and results are provided.

Discuss the impact on the design process-what system-level requirements will result? Note any issues that may require further management consideration.

Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of trade studies. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references; OR 2) presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example, instead of trade-off analysis you may discuss another options analysis methodology; or an alternate approach to the identification of suitable trade studies at different levels in the system - system, sub- system, component - and differences, if any, in approach to these).

8. Starting with the content from your system mission, goals, and objectives, develop an RBS for the system down to level five (note that your mission statement constitutes level 0, so you require an additional five levels of detail). Focus on a portion of your RBS (you may have to expand it further, depending on which portion you have chosen) and complete the detail for at least 5 functional requirements in the format of Figure 8-9 (noting that you may have more than one performance statement for each functional statement).General

List and explain relevant assumptions, the rationale for each assumption and the impact of the assumption on the system design. (Consider a small table at the start of your response).

Assumptions must be related to the question topic and the system design, not about how you are addressing the question or restating of information provided in the system context. Your assumptions might stem from questions you would ask the Business Owner about system design.

Each assumption, properly stated in accordance with the above guidelines, is worth 1 mark out of a maximum 5 marks.

Develop and RBS for the system down to level 5 Your system mission statement is considered to be Level 0, your goals are at Level 1 and Objectives at Level 2 so you need to develop another 3 levels of detail across all of your objectives-that is, an additional 5 levels of detail, incorporating the system goals and objectives as Level 1 and Level 2, is to be provided.

You should consider the characteristics of a good requirement set in creating the RBS. You don't need full statements; however, three-word phrases will suffice.

Additionally, you will most likely find that a number of branches of the tree cannot be decomposed that far-you should stop where you have naturally reached a leaf of the tree (that is, where the ‘shall' statements will be written). Depending on the way you have set up the RBS, it may not be possible to get down to level 5 in all branches).

Focus on a portion of your RBS and complete the detail for at least 5 requirements in the format of Figure 8-9.

Having completed your RBS to level 5 you are now required to write five (5) requirements (that is, write a portion of a system specification) in accordance with the format of Figure 8-9. So, each functional requirement should include one or more performance requirements, verification requirements and supporting rationale.

You should also complete the remaining detail for the table.

You might consider the generic structure of a requirement and other guidance contained in Chapter 9 of the notes.

Five (5) requirements are to be provided and comply with the above format. Where required, the RBS has been expanded to accommodate the response.

Additional Effort Conduct some wider reading and research (including the use of appropriate standards) in order to show a higher level of understanding of RBS, their use and development. Apply this theory to the assignment scenario. Examples of this might include: 1) use of quotes to help provide defensible viewpoints in your assignment; AND an introduction to the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references; OR 2) presentation of an alternate method of addressing one or more elements of the response, using approximately 250 words and at least four alternate references (for example, a comparison of software for showing RBS and RBS management, or expand upon the relationship between the WBS and RBS at different phases of the system lifecycle).

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