
Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words

In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to the Christian worldview. You will be challenged to think about Christian worldview core beliefs and apply what you have learned over this course. This will be a thorough analysis of a case study you will choose from the options provided.

Write a 1,000-1,500-word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision-making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview. Choose one case study from the five options listed in the attached "Ethical Dilemmas" document.

After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined titles for a subheading.

Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.

Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one's decision-making with regard to this scenario?

Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview's proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)

Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?

Comparison: How does the Christian worldview resolution compare to how another worldview might resolve the dilemma? Choose a specific contrasting worldview, such as atheism, pantheism, or scientism.

Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.


Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU Library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on "Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research" and the "Example Ethical Dilemma Essay."

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Review the GCU Template for formatting and utilize the attached "Ethical Dilemmas Essay Template" to complete the benchmark assignment.

Topic : Review

This topic review is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion, which covers questions from Topic 7. The Final Exam will also include three questions from each of the previous quizzes, so study previous topic reviews as well. Instructors will grade the topic review for completion. Save the topic review to your computer and submit when complete.

When completing this review, answers should be in your own words or quoted with quotation marks, and be drawn from one of the course readings (textbook and lecture referenced below), or other sources listed in the syllabus. Outside sources, including internet sites, are not acceptable.

When quoting and paraphrasing, include all authors' last names for citations that have multiple authors. For quoted citations, be sure to include the page or paragraph number(s).

The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this topic review before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.

Please type your answers below each question.

1. Read the section on The Kingdom of God in Chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:

a. Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?

b. Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?

c. List two other characteristics found in the reading.

2. Read the section on The Mission of God in Chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:

a. How is it related to God's character?

b. How is God's mission characterized?

3. Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in Chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?

4. List God's purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29.

5. Read the section on Belief and Behavior in Chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?

6. According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?

7. Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in Chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian's life.

8. According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?

9. Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.

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