Q1. What are some ways that you can be "dead" without actually having experienced death? Discuss.
Q2. Briefly describe the essence of the hospice movement.
Q3. Describe the five stages of death and dying as developed by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
Q4. Do you believe that our society denies the reality of death? If so, cite some examples of denial that you've observed.
Q5. Discuss the importance of allowing yourself to grieve and mourn over your losses. What are some of the problems that can arise if you aren't able to grieve fully?
Q6. Why is it essential to express grief if one hopes to work through some of the pain of a loss? What are some of the effects of refusing to express and explore feelings of sorrow, anger, guilt, and grief over losses?
Q7. What are some ways that facing the reality of death can give meaning to what is left of life for those who are terminally ill?
Q8. Discuss some of the common reactions to a suicide. What kind of unfinished business do those who are left behind often experience?