
Briefly describe the company and its current marketing

Title: Digital Strategy Development and Implementation

Details of task: You are required to select a small company/organisation from the following list to write a detailed e-business report to the management analysing and recommending appropriate digital marketing strategies.

List of the organisation:

1. Local florist

Your task is to:

• Briefly describe the company and its current marketing strategies

• Describe and assess digital marketing opportunities in the context of resources and capabilities of the organisation (relevant micro and macro environmental factors to be analysed)

• Conduct a strategic analysis on the alignment and integration between off-line and on-line activities

• Develop a digital marketing strategy and present practicable recommendations for implementation

Important elements (wherever applicable) to be covered in this section include : delivery of on-line customer experience, e-CRM strategy, campaign planning for digital media, selection of digital mix, marketing communication using digital media channels, anticipated risks, budget, timeframes, monitoring and evaluation of the digital marketing

This is a third year unit. Therefore, demonstration of highly developed analytical and evaluative skills in expression and presentation is a must. The submitted report should present clear evidence of a balanced mix of theory and practical applications. Refer to both academic journals and relevant business magazines as an evidence to support your illustrations, thoughts, and line of argument. Demonstrate strong evidence of independent reading beyond the prescribed text and display your highly developed analytical, evaluative, and applied skills.

Marks will be allocated according to the following regime:

1. Introduction of the company/organisation, analysis of the current marketing strategy, digital marketing opportunity identification based on macro-micro environmental analyses - 40%

2. Development and Implementation of the digital marketing strategy - 50%

3. Overall presentation, professionalism, referencing - 10%

• E-business Segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP)- 350 words

It is going to be a fictitious local florist with minimum online activities.

For the segmentation part, I want you to come up with 3 consumer profiles. Then choose a primary target market. Then describe how you are going to position the business in the market

• Proposed alignment/ integration between off-line and on-line activities- 120 words

• Marketing mix strategy integration: campaign planning, marketing communication and integration of overall digital media channels and schedules etc.) - 300 words

• Monitoring and evaluation of channel performance- 300 words.

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Business Management: Briefly describe the company and its current marketing
Reference No:- TGS01357784

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