
Briefly describe instinct drive-reduction arousal incentive

1. Contrast learning-theory and nativist accounts of language development. Point out the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

2. Distinguish between crystallized and fluid intelligence. Provide an example of (a) an intellectual task that mainly reflects crystallized intelligence and (b) an intellectual task that mainly reflects fluid intelligence. How do crystallized and fluid intelligence change with age in later adulthood?

3. Outline one theory of multiple intelligences. Suggest how the theory might be used to inform and improve educational practice.

4. Identify the levels of mental retardation described in your text. Associate a range of IQ scores with each level. Review what is known about the causes of mental retardation.

5. Briefly describe instinct, drive-reduction, arousal, incentive, and cognitive approaches to motivation. Suggest how these approaches reflect broad evolutionary, biological, behavioral, and cognitive approaches in psychology.

6. Review what is known regarding the roots of obesity, being sure to distinguish between the set point and the settling point hypotheses.

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Other Subject: Briefly describe instinct drive-reduction arousal incentive
Reference No:- TGS0786797

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