Two (fictional) heavy particles are fired towards each other in a linear accelerator. Particle 1, mov¬ing towards the right, has a rest mass mi = 16mp (mp is the proton mass) and velocity vi = 3c/5 in the laboratory frame. Particle 2, moving towards the left, has a rest mass m2 = 9mp. The particles collide elastically and form a metastable particle, stationary in the laboratory frame.

After some period of time, the metastable particle decays into a shower of lighter particles, including protons, electrons, neutrinos and photons.
(e) According to quantum mechanics, the shower of particles will scatter in all directions with equal probability. Is it possible to determine in advance the trajectory of any individual particle? Why?
(f) Several of the particles pass through a double-slit positioned near the point of the collision. Describe what happens as individual particles pass through it.
(g) Briefly describe how the resulting interference pattern will differ for the various types of particles passing through: protons, electrons, neutrinos (mass close to zero) and photons. Assume that the distribution of particle energies is the same for each kind of particle.