
Briefly describe 5 job searching websites available

Assessment Task -

Purpose: You must demonstrate an ability to produce a report using researched information and a style guide.

The report must include the following:

1. Briefly describe the types of jobs that are available which you could apply for as a student or immediately after you finish your degree?  Stay focused on the positions you can realistically apply to (e.g. "new graduates welcome to apply") and don't get distracted by positions that require more work experience or are more senior (e.g. Project Manager).

2. Briefly describe 5 job searching websites available, including graduate specific websites.

3. Find a position in your field at two or more different employers. How different are they in terms of duties or responsibilities?

4. What level of remuneration can be expected in these roles?

5. Research at least one known graduate employers' website. What are their graduate employment eligibility terms?

6. What other reference tools do career websites offer to help you further your understanding about career prospects?  (E.g. reference information about the job market).

7. What reference tools do career websites offer to help you gain employment or further your career?  (E.g. articles about job hunting skills; sample CV's or cover letters).

8. What other non-electronic sources of information are available for researching available jobs in your industry of choice?

9. Detail what the 'Hidden job market' is and how it can be accessed?

Your assessor will be looking for a report that is structured in the following way: 

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Content outlined above
  • Conclusion
  • Attachments
  • Research appropriately referenced
  • Uses plain English
  • Uses correct spacing, heading size and style specified by style guide
  • Adheres to word limit

STYLE GUIDE - Structure of reports should be flexible but generally follow:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion/Recommendations
  • Appendices
  • References

Introduction should do the following:

  • present an overview of the subject matter
  • describe the research methods
  • identify the findings (can use bullet points)
  • list recommendations (can use bullet points)
  • use language appropriate to audience and purpose.

Language uses plain English as follows:

  • active verbs
  • present tense
  • accurate language with any jargon explained
  • formal English tone
  • no contractions

General presentation

  • use consistent format including fonts and styles
  • use font size 10-12 for body text
  • use 1.5 spacing
  • one line between paragraphs
  • justify text
  • use same font style for all headings
  • use section headings
  • your name and date in footer
  • include page numbers

Use correct citation for all references used.

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Management Theories: Briefly describe 5 job searching websites available
Reference No:- TGS02175685

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