
Briefly comment on the relevance of these articles as they

The topic is human resource management, select related article and prepare this assignment as per guidelines.

What do you need to do for this assessment task?

In this task you will critically analyse two peer-reviewed journal articles on any of the topics covered within this course by accessing the RMIT library. Your critical analysis will involve the identification of the:

1. authors' key points,
2. authors' arguments,
3. authors' assertions,

You should also analyse the strengths of those three factors based on the evidence related to the research that is cited and outlined by the authors.

You also need to briefly comment on the relevance of these articles as they relate to Tasks 2 and, or 3. Therefore you will need to think ahead and review the requirements of both the Assessment tasks (2 and 3).

How should you construct this task?

This task should be developed in the form of a brief essay
1. Introduction,
2. Body
3. Conclusion

What criteria will be used to assess your work?

Assessment Task 1 will be assessed against the following criteria. Each criterion has the same number of points allocated to it:

1. Quality of selection of two peer-reviewed journal article of relevance.

2. Identification of a) key points; b) arguments; c) assertions.

3. Assessment of both author's research methodology (quality of citations, surveys, qualitative interviews, acknowledgment of previous research by the author, supported or unsupported evidence)

4. Clear and persuasive written style (spelling, grammar, syntax etc.) and appropriate RMIT Harvard style referencing (in-text and list of references)

For help in using the Harvard style

Where can you find peer reviewed articles to use in your essay?

Where can you find peer reviewed articles to use in your essay?

There are a number of places to look to find peer reviewed articles that you might be able to use in your essay:
- The reading list for your subject
- Extra readings mentioned in the lectures or tutorials
- Searching for items in the Library Databases such as "Ebscohost web" or "Proquest"
- The reference list at the end of books, chapters or articles which you have already found useful
- Scanning the contents pages of relevant journals
- Searching for items in the Library Catalogue

Your tutor will provide added advice on this and you also have the RMIT Online Library Liaison office to guide you to suitable peer reviewed journal articles.

Useful resources for writing the review

The following resources may be useful for ideas:

1. "Human Resource Management - An Introductory overview" module (refer to the section headed modules on the learning management system for this course)

2. The AHRI Model of Excellence

3. Examples of critical analysis - The University of Queensland

4. Writing a Critical Review - UNSW

** Please note that all students will be asked to present a brief report of their findings for Task 1 during class time as a non-assessed activity.

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Dissertation: Briefly comment on the relevance of these articles as they
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