
Briefly and succinctly describe process of developing plan


Write a two page essay (minimum) in APA format on the following prompt:

You work for an online higher education institution. The institution has placed you in charge of one of their departments, curriculum development. One of the functions that they want you to develop is an online application that automatically grades free response questions (short answer and essay questions) using a rubric.

Please write the mission statement of the organization and also write the vision statement. How would you develop this app that they want you to develop. Briefly and succinctly describe the process of developing the plan, translating the plan, planning operations, and executing the plan as described in Chapter 7 of your textbook and how you would implement each one of those phases into your eventual development of the app. Be sure to include in your discussion at what level of the organization each one of the phases of your planning occurs.

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Microeconomics: Briefly and succinctly describe process of developing plan
Reference No:- TGS01808719

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