
Brief two - three sentence summary of the podcast topic

Question: Requirements: At least one full (but no more than two)double-spaced page of text, typed, 12-point Times or Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins. Your name, the date, and the assignment name should be in the upper right-hand corner in a header - do not include a title page. You do NOT need to include any in-text citations or references. Be clear which podcast you are responding to.

For this assignment, my grading focus will be on the content of response. However, points will be deducted for egregious grammatical and stylistic errors. Do not use direct quotes.

The Assignment: Listen to the podcast completely (write paper that includes the following: )

This is the podcast that you have listen

Video: The-grifters-real-game-psychology

1. Brief (two - three sentence) summary of the podcast topic.

2. What did you like about the podcast? What interested you?

3. What didn't you like about the podcast? What was confusing or unclear?

4. How did the content of the podcast connect to the textbook and/or class discussions? Identify at least two points of connection.

5. If you could interview one or more of the podcast speakers, what would you ask them? Write at least two possible interview questions.

Your likes and dislikes should show a deeper level of thought analysis. For example, instead of, "I liked it because it was funny," explain why you found it funny, and how that helped or did not help you understand the material.Remember as you write this to show, not tell. Don't state, "I liked this podcast because..." or "This podcast connected to the textbook because...." Instead, show me why you found it interesting. For example, you might say something like, "I was surprised to hear the two speakers argue over the role of science in society," or "Although our textbook only talks about hallucinations in the context of mental illness, the podcast explored how common hallucinations really are."

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Dissertation: Brief two - three sentence summary of the podcast topic
Reference No:- TGS02719853

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