Brief the given case: U.S. v. Thompson, 25 F 3d. 1558 (11th Cir. 1994)
Facts: [Briefly state the relevant facts of the case that the court relied upon to reach their decision - normally 1-2 paragraphs]
Prior Proceedings: [Briefly describe the circumstances that have occurred in the case to this point]
Issues Presented or Questions of Law: [What was the legal issue presented to the court?]
Arguments or Objectives of the Parties: [What were the arguments or objections presented to the court?]
Holding/Rule of Law: [What was the legal rule(s) or principle(s) the court applied to the case?]
Saint Leo Core Values Displayed: [Discuss the Saint Leo Core Value(s) that were displayed or violated by the key players in this case]
Rationale: [Explain the court's reasoning in deciding the case]
Conclusion: [What was the final outcome/ruling in the case?]