
Brief list of the current executives


Go to the company website of your selected company (at&t mobility) and research the company. Read about the company philosophy, the mission statement, and any information that reflects the organization's method of doing business. You also want to research any milestones the company has had in the past five years.

A fact sheet is an essential tool used in public relations to provide an overall view of your company. Though fact sheets can stand alone, they are usually submitted along with a press release or media kit. The five "W" questions for the business - who, what, where, when, why, and how - should be answered.

Write your own fact sheet on the company. If the company has multiple product lines, select one product line to focus on (wireless). This should be 2 pages. You want to provide:

• The year the company started

• Brief list of the current executives

• A summary of the apparent philosophy of the organization

• Key milestones, including awards and product launches

• Interesting facts that may make this organization stand out.

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Other Management: Brief list of the current executives
Reference No:- TGS01783702

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