
Brief history of manufacturing in greenville south carolina


1- Brief history of manufacturing in Greenville, South Carolina?

2- History of SMP

3- Why did Standard Motor Products stop manufacturing in Queens and move to Greenville?

4- For any given product that it presently manufactures in Greenville, at what point might Standard Motor Products stop manufacturing in Greenville and import from overseas?

5- Continual off-shoring calculus?

6- Aftermarket replacement auto parts

7- What is gildermeister?

8- What is a fuel injector?

9- Larry Sills' past, present and future at SMP?

10- Luke Hutchins' past, present and future at SMP?

11- Maddie Parlier's past, present and future at SMP?

12- Present rank of United States as a manufacturing nation?

13- of US citizens employed in manufacturing today vs. in the Great Depression

14- of US citizens today vs. in the Great Depression

15- In what sense is it grossly unfair that Larry should be the CEO of SMP?

16- In what sense are the employees of SMP lucky that Larry is there?

17- Impact of NAFTA?

18- Why did SMP stop manufacturing in Queens and move to Greenville?

19- Why is there any manufacturing in the United States today?

20- Present status of manufacturing in the United States?

21- Future of manufacturing in the United States? Why does it matter?


22-Marx writes: "Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones." In "Making it in America," Adam Davidson brings Marx up to date by saying that today's world is experiencing the "double shock" of globalization and computer-aided industrial productivity. How do each of these 2 elements affect:
a-Larry Sills

b-Luke Hutchins

c-Maddie Parlier

23-What does Marx mean by the "bourgeoisie?"

24-What does Marx mean by the "proletariat?"

25-How does Marx understand social class?

26-Marx predicts a "decisive hour" when the proletariat will arise and the bourgeois age will come to an end. In Marx's prediction, we see a stage in which the state owns and controls the means of production. What is the name of this stage?

27-Over time, Marx predicts that the state will no longer be necessary and all class antagonism will fall away. What is the name of this final stage in human history?

28-What change in our experience of work will facilitate this falling away of all class antagonism?


29-Describe the difference in Chinese vs. American textile manufacturing salaries today.

30-For every $1.00 required to manufacture in the U.S., Boston Consulting estimates that it costs _______________ to manufacture in China. How is this possible, given the wide gap in salaries?

31-How does the Pacific Trade Agreement play into Chinese entrepreneurs' thoughts about manufacturing in the U.S.?

32-How many Chinese companies are manufacturing now in North and South Carolina?

33-Where does their raw cotton come from?

34-From a labor perspective, what's the difference between the costs on the one hand of spinning yarn and manufacturing cloth vs. (on the other hand) cutting and sewing clothes?

35-Reconstruct, as best you can, the history of the textile industry in South Carolina.

36-How does the strong dollar affect manufacturing jobs in the United States?

37-What differences do there appear to be in the rules for workers in China vs. the rules for workers in South Carolina? Give an example?

38-South Carolina is "right to work" state. Explain.

39-At present, Chinese companies see that their American employees do not work as accurately as employees back in China. What difference does Tabuchi cite? Why do you think this difference exists?

Disintegration, 2010, by Eugene Robinson
1-"There was a time," Robinson writes, "when there were agreed-upon ‘black leaders,' when there was a clear ‘black agenda,' when we could talk confidently about ‘the state of black America'-but not anymore. Explain.

2-(speculative question) In the beginning of the 20th century, 2 great black leaders-Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois-proposed 2 different strategies for black America. Which strategy do you think best explains the world that Robinson describes in Disintegration?

"1.5 Million Black Men Missing from Everyday Life," 2015 by Justin Wolferset al
3-For every 100 white women, age 25-54, living in America today, not in jail, there are __________ white men of the same age, not in jail.

4-For every 100 black women, age 25-54, living in America today, not in jail, there are __________ black men of the same age, not in jail.

5-How does Wolfers account for the 1.5 million missing black men?

6-How do black women cope with this demographic imbalance?

7-How do black men cope with demographic imbalance?

8-(speculative question) How is this demographic imbalance likely to perpetuate disadvantage for black children in the future?

9-(speculative question) How have the disadvantages that black people have faced in the past created this present disadvantage?

Declaration of Independence, 1776
10-What is the full name of the Declaration of Independence?

11-Why, according to the Declaration, do governments exist?

12-(speculative question) What purpose does this preamble, "We hold these truths to be self-evident...." serve?

Recollections of Israel Jefferson, 1873, regarding, among other things, a conversation between Thos. Jefferson and the Marquis de Lafayette, 1824
"To the latter proposition of Gen. Lafayette, Mr. Jefferson in part assented."
13-He was in favor of teaching the slaves ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______________
14-He was not in favor of teaching the slaves _____________________

15-What was Thomas Jefferson afraid of?

16-What details in Israel Jefferson's recollections convince you that his story is accurate?

Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address, 1861
17-According to Lincoln, what would be needed for one state or group of states to legally secede from the Union?

18-At a minimum, Lincoln argues, the Constitution should be considered as a _____________.

19-But Lincoln goes further than this, he argues that perpetuity is inherent in the Constitution.
a. Briefly, what is his historical argument?

b. In addition, what language in the Constitution implies perpetuity?

20-The North and South can get along, Lincoln argues. They have really only 1 difference of opinion. What is it?

21-To make the South feel more comfortable remaining in the Union, Lincoln makes a remarkable offer. What is it?

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 1863
Lincoln says the Declaration of Independence created the United States of America.

22-Find language in the Gettysburg Address to support this claim.

23-Find language in the Declaration of Independence that supports this claim.

24-Find language in the Declaration of Independence that contradicts this claim.

25-Using Lincoln's own language, demonstrate that Lincoln's position has changed and that the offer he made in his 1st Inaugural Address is no longer on the table.

Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address, 1865
"Each looked (Lincoln says) for ... a result less fundamental and astounding."

26-Who is "each?"

27-What, according to Lincoln, is the astounding result?

28-Restate Lincoln's sentence-"Each looked for ... a result less fundamental and astounding"-in your own words.Begin your sentence with the word, "Neither...."

29-How does Lincoln's reference to Genesis in his 2nd Inaugural Address suggest the completeness of his opposition to slavery?


Dr. King's Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963

30-What specific promise made by Birmingham merchants in 1963 to black leaders does Dr. King mention?

31-What specific strategy do civil rights leaders in Birmingham embrace to force the merchants to keep their promise?

Dr. King's "I Have A Dream," 1963
On Aug. 28, 1963, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. King addresses 250,000 civil rights supporters. He is not explaining an individual campaign but rather, he is explaining the entire Civil Rights Movement in America.

32-"Five score years ago...."What speech is Dr. King echoing?

33-"Five score years ago...." To what specific presidential act is he referring?

34-"In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check." To what document in particular is Dr. King referring?

35-"It is obvious today that ... this promissory note ... has come back marked "insufficient funds." Restate this sentence in your own words being as specific as possible.

36-By comparing the civil rights movement to a group of aggrieved creditors trying to collect on a bad debt, how has Dr. King turned the tables on white America?

PPT Nonviolence and the 101st Airborne

37-In what sense does the nonviolent Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's and 1970's take place under the protection of the American military?

38-(speculative question) To what degree can you make the argument that the greatest advances in the civil rights of black people in America have come as a result of America's wars?

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