
Brief history of intelligence testing


To support your work, make sure to utilize your course and text readings. When asked, also utilize outside sources. As in all assignments, make sure to cite and provide references for your sources utilizing APA format.

Response the following questions for the scenario presented:

Learning has taken place for Betty and her parents. How has learning taken place for the child as well as her parents? Explain in operant learning terms.

If Betty's parents asked you for advice on how to ensure that Betty is able to sleep alone in her room, what would you tell them? Why?

Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your text and course readings. Comment on the postings of at least two peers, and provide an analysis of each peer's postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

The definition of intelligence is simple; it is an individual's capacity to learn, reason, and solve problems. What is complex is how we measure that capacity and use that measurement. One of the original uses of intelligence testing in the early 1900s was to separate or segregate those individuals who were deemed of low intelligence.

Provide a brief history of intelligence testing and how it is currently utilized. Choose one of the intelligence tests described in your course readings and research the Internet for more information on the test. Report your findings. Based on your research, do you recommend using the test? Why?

There are different theories of intelligence-some are based on psychometric principles (or on how intelligence has been measured) while others rely on the cognitive viewpoint. Compare the psychometric and cognitive theories of intelligence. Choose one of the cognitive theories and explain how this theory can be used to describe an individual's abilities in everyday life.

Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your textbook and course readings. Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates as early in the week as possible. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be sure to be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Using questions and seeking clarifications are good ways to make your reviews substantive!

For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignment-OR-to offer your assistance

Additional Requirements

Betty and Her Parwent's Dilemma

It is late, and three-year-old Betty is alone in her room. Her parents had put her to bed just ten minutes ago.

Her parents are quietly watching televiosion downstairs. Betty begins to cry, and after a short time, the crying turns into more screaming than crying.

Her parents, hearing her crying and screaming, rush upstairs to her room. Her mother holds Betty in her arms and soothes herr. Betty stops crying after a few minutes, but when her parents leave her room, she starts crying again.

Her father thinks it may be a good idea to let Betty lie on the couch next to them while they watch tv. Betty is quiet for the rest of the evening, falling asleep on the couch.

For a week, Betty cries every eveniong, which resultsd in her parents taking her down to the living room with them until they go to bed or she falls asleep. Betty's parents are concerned that she will be unable to sleep in her room anymore

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