
Brief description of fire department and the community


I need you to choose a fire department in the United States and it should be in a small town. Write a 3-4 pages research paper about the chosen fire department and their income and other things ( some fire departments have details in their website). I need the research to be organized like name each paragraph for example first one introduction next about Community and so on.

APA format 3-4 page research paper. APA format to include title page, running heads, double spacing, and citations. Paper is due 10Am Sept 12 via Blackboard. 150 pts

Components of paper

1. Brief description of fire department and the community served.

2. What specific services are provided? Include emergency and non-emergency services.

3. Summary of major resources of your selected fire/emergency service agency: personnel/staffing, apparatus, facilities, revenue sources, and budget expenditures. NOTE: The apparatus and facility resources should be basic summary information. More specific details on personnel costs, apparatus, and facilities will be covered in future assignments. Include as much of the budget detail as possible.

You will present your information at the podium approx. 5 minutes in length. You may use audio/visuals/powerpoint, but it is not required. The more effort you put into the presentation, the more effective it will be. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD! More effort equals a better grade as well.

Your research should clearly explain 'where the money comes from' to fund the fire department.

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Chemical Engineering: Brief description of fire department and the community
Reference No:- TGS02454431

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