
Brexit - causes and implicationstrans-pacific partnership


This individual project is designed to test your ability to conduct research, analyze, and distill that research, organize and draw out themes, and then present the research in cogent and succinct written document. Minimum five (5) to seven (7) single-spaced pages excluding appendices and reference list. This paper may be submitted late, with a 10% penalty for each day (yes, even if one minute late!). Submit via attachment to the assignment in MS Word format, using 12-point font and 1" margins.

This paper constitutes a significant portion of your grade, and thus is not a typical homework assignment. When it doubt, provide MORE detail. Assume that the reader has NO experience or knowledge of the subject matter, and explain/define all terms or concepts you introduce (and properly cite your source!). Review Dr. Z's tips on case studies and citing sources and the McGraw Hill Case Analysis Guide for more help on doing case analysis. See additional details in the grading rubric.

Choose from one of the following paper topics:

1. Brexit - causes and implications?
2. Trans-Pacific Partnership: why does it matter?
3. What does climate change have to do with the global economy?
4. What impact does terrorism have on global trade?

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Dissertation: Brexit - causes and implicationstrans-pacific partnership
Reference No:- TGS01607542

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