
Break single-alphabet code

Problem 1: Compute I.C. = 1/N(N-1) Σfi(fi-1).

Problem 2: Split into 4 or 5 or b alphabets and compute I.C. for each alphabet. I.C.'s should be ∼ .065+.

Problem 3: Form histograms for each alphabet and align histograms to match (approximately) the frequencies, when matched 3 or 4 columns should be void (no occurrences) and a keyword should appear in some column [in above encoding scheme, the keyword in some column would be GOOD]. Letters in keyword column should be collapsed to letter A, letters in column to right of keyword column should be collapsed to letter B, etc. This reduces poly alphabetic code to single-coded alphabet.

Problem 4: Break single-alphabet code.

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Reference No:- TGS03027505

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