
Brand manager-healthy snacking strategic submission

Brand Manaer – Healthy snacking strategic submission

This assignment builds on Course Objectives 1,2 and 3. It draws on the knowledge you have gained in brand salience / image (strengths and weaknesses analysis), price promotions and basics of financial literacy, and allows you to demonstrate your understanding ofthe concepts by putting them into practice.

The Healthy Snacking Product Brief and Brand X Image Data is available to download from the course website.

Yourtask is to choose a brand currently stocked on supermarket shelves in Australia to be Brand Manager of. Choose a product within your brand portfolio to focus on, the product will need to meet the Nutritional Criteria supplied in the Health Snacking Product Brief. Think about how the product could be modified and submitted to Coles to meet the Criteria for Healthy Snacking set out in the strategy document. The proposed product can either already meet the guidelines specified by the Coles brief or you can propose a modification to the product to meet the criteria (essentially a line extension of your current brand).

Part 1: Use the response template to prepare your submission for Coles.

Part 2: Brand image and price support document.

Given that this opportunity is your chance to get your brand stocked in 800

Coles stores you decide to provide some extra information to Coles on your brand”s image, the product price point and effectiveness of price promotion schedule you have suggested in the submission template.

Brand Strengths & Weaknesses

You decide to take the image data

(Brand X Image Data) from your latest brand tracking study and submit this to Coles along with the template to show how your brand fits into a strategy aimed at health and convenience. Use the image data provided to perform a strengths and weaknesses analysis. Explain the results and the advantage of your brand. As Coles may be unfamiliar with the analysis technique be sure to include a section describing the rationale behind the analysis presented. (The data is available from the course website “Brand X Image Data” and your brand is Brand X- for your submission rename X as your brand).

Price Point and Price Promotions:

Image is one thing but being price competitive is another, explore the pricing in the category you plan to submit within (i.e. which category does your brand exist in – dairy, cereals, legumes etc.) and detail how you have priced your product. Also outline the most effective way you suggest Coles uses price promotions in the first 12 to 18 months ofthe new product launch. Provide a rationale to them for the plans that you provided in the response template in Part

1. This section will be marked on the demonstration of your ability to perform a strengths and weaknesses analysis and interpret the findings to create a marketing argument for your brand to Coles, as well as your understanding of pricing and price promotion strategy.

In Part 2 of your assignment you will need to use and reference multiple journal papers and textbooks to demonstrate you have consulted a range of credible information.

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