
Brainwave pattern and its type

a) Analyze eeg data and filter unwanted noise.

b) Develop program than can recognize the brainwave.

After analyzing the program should able to recognize the brainwave using the real data. The program will recognize the brainwave such as beta, delta, theta, and alpha according to the frequency.

c) Develop a program to recognize the changes of brainwave pattern.

The brainwave could change from time to time. The changes will be involved in small value and this program should able to capture these small changes so that can recognize accurate brainwave pattern.

d) Differentiate the different of one type of Brainwave?

The beta wave has low beta, mid beta and high beta. The result will be almost same. But using this program the different between the same type of brainwave can be recognized and displayed in simple visual so that user can understand easily.

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MATLAB Programming: Brainwave pattern and its type
Reference No:- TGS01854

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